Liberty Institute

184 Results / Page 2 of 21


Feature Productions

Finding Jefferson’s Original Declaration – The 3rd of July Is Not Boring Anymore!

Finding Jefferson's Original Declaration - The 3rd of July Is Not Boring Anymore! by: Mike Church As John Adams told us yesterday "the second of July is to be remembered as the greatest epocha in American history" and tomorrow, July 4th needs no explanation but what of poor, lonely, neglected July 3rd? Is there nothing worthy of remembering on the day before Independence was declared!? You bet your 4th of […]

todayJuly 3, 2019 9

Feature Productions

Veritas et Sapientia – Abolish The Electoral College? Over The Founder’s Dead Bodies

Mandeville, LA - by Mike Church, Founder of The CRUSADE Channel and host of The Mike Church Show The lib, anti-christ's latest assault on reason and the smoldering remains of the U.S Constitution is to "abolish the electoral college" in favor of electing a President by popular vote. This is a recipe for Idiocracy and political disaster that may as well abolish the states. The Electoral College was a prized […]

todayMarch 20, 2019 17

Founders Corner

Washington Irving’s “Life of Washington” – (hardback version)

Mike Church Presents - Washington Irving’s Life of Washington - Volume I (2nd Printing) “Mr. Irving, as usual, had been a good deal depressed about Life of Washington, and had avoided looking over it since its publication; but the following cordial letter from Bancroft helped to put him more in conceit of it, and made him hope that [the book] would not be the death of him, as he sometimes used […]

todayApril 27, 2018 11

Founders Corner

The Greatest Gun Rights Video In the History of Gun Rights Videos Is Just More “Rights” Propaganda

Mandeville, LA - OK, 117,000,000 have forwarded, tagged me, guilted me into watching the "greatest defense of the 2nd Amendment in history" video, by Delegate Nick Freitas. I have watched the video and yes, Delegate Freitas is filled with the spirit of the Holy gun, is charismatic and convincing. But there is absolutely NOTHING new in this argument that hasn't been written or said 117,000,000 times before. Are the Democrats duplicitous […]

todayMarch 11, 2018 8

Fiat Reality News

SJW Loon Lido Pimienta Makes South Park Into Hard Hitting Drama

Mandeville, LA - We are now in the age of fiat reality: reality is whatever you say/think it is. You just can't make this stuff up folks: The Halifax Pop Explosion music festival is apologizing for the actions of a volunteer who interrupted a performance by Polaris Prize-winning singer Lido Pimienta with “overt racism.” A statement on behalf of the festival’s board of directors addresses the singer directly and promises […]

todayNovember 3, 2017 15


Guest Column, Pat Buchanan: No Wonder They Hate Us, ‘Muricah’s UnJust Wars Roll On

Are America’s Wars Just and Moral? Tuesday - July 25, 2017 at 12:20 am By Patrick J. Buchanan - Visit Pat's Blog Site for all his columns “One knowledgeable official estimates that the CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies,” writes columnist David Ignatius. Given that Syria’s prewar population was not 10 percent of ours, this is the equivalent of a million dead and […]

todayJuly 25, 2017 8

Founders Corner

Jefferson Inaugural “Don’t Steal Labor’s Bread”, BLM Has Lots of Stolen Bread

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –"I want to read to you from Thomas Jefferson’s inaugural address, just one paragraph.  This has great bearing on the situation out there in Nevada, in Clark County, Nevada with rancher Cliven Bundy and the tyrants of the Bureau of Land Manglement executing the orders of a federal judge tyrant who is following up on the edicts issued by tyrants in the Clinton administration, which […]

todayJanuary 20, 2017 8


YOU Get An Education, The Mike Church Show Wins A Car And The Free World Is Saved

Mandeville, LA - Liberty Classroom is the BEST online education outlet, period. Featuring a faculty second to none in Liberty and Conservative teaching including frequent Mike Church Show guest Kevin Gutzman (pictured below), Dr. Bradley Birzer, Brion MacClanahan and of course Dr. Tom Woods. This Black Friday weekend you can signup for a year or lifetime of course studies, save up to 50% off the regular tuition prices AND  in doing so […]

todayNovember 24, 2016 6

Founders Corner

#NeverTrump’er Mark Levin, Now All-In With Trumpzilla. Oh But Don’t Worry, The TRM Will Still Save You From Trump!

Mandeville, LA -Kevin Gutzman and I began appealing for an Article V Amendment Convention in 2009 and this culminated in 2010's "A Federal Discussion On an Article V Convention" held at the Mordor-XM Studios in April (with an assist from Tom Woods). In 2014 Mark Levin who had for all of 2008-09-10-11-12 and 13 castigated Kevin and me as "back benchers" and "marginal college teachers" for the article V push, […]

todayJune 28, 2016 5
