insert_link My [r]epublican Thought The South Was Right! But It Didn’t Have The Cult To Cultivate Longevity Mandeville, La - It was a surprise to learn from Charles Hugh Smith that less than 10% of American "workers" (I loathe that term) are actually, definably, self-employed while the other 90% "work for the Man". This is a complete reversal of "the freedom" the revolutionists of 1792 promised and modernity was going to joyously deliver. I mentioned that in the 1930's 12 Southern Authors wrote a series of essays called […] todayOctober 8, 2015 7
insert_link My [r]epublican Thought My Father’s Day [r]epublican Thought-Domestic Priest-Philospher-Kings Needed Mandeville, LA - On this Father's Day weekend, Fathers must accept the lay ministry of being the Priest, Philosopher and King of his home, and in his community he must accept the first of those two roles in his Christian capacity or the community will fill those with the non-Christian yielding not Christian results. G.K. Chesterton reminds us of this duty. "Now I am concerned, first and last, to maintain that unless you […] todayJune 19, 2015 10
insert_link Catholicism Blasphemer Katy Perry, Meet Saint Catherine Of Sienna Mandeville, LA - This is what happens when "God" can be whatever you want him to be and do whatever you wish him to do without you doing anything for him . Much like the Heresy promoted by the über-rich, ludicrous TV & radio "preachers" who feign to believe "God" just wants you to say at least once while drawing breath "I accept Jesus as my personal savior" then it is […] todayFebruary 9, 2015 7
My [r]epublican Thought Mike Church [r]epublican Thought of The Day Mike Church [r]epublican Thought of The Day Mandeville, LA - Mike Church 's Collection of his "[r]epublican Thoughts of The Day". Culled from his continuing study of the Founding Fathers. Please comment here, share this page with friends & family and refresh the page daily for the latest. Why the term [r]epublican? Well, Thomas Jefferson explained this in a letter to John Taylor of Caroline County in 1816. "Were I […] todayDecember 8, 2014 5
insert_link My [r]epublican Thought Mike Church [r]epublican Thought of The Day-Archive I Jan 1-Nov 5, 2014 Mike's Collection of his "[r]epublican Thoughts of The Day". Culled from his continuing study of the Founding Fathers. todayAugust 18, 2014 26
My [r]epublican Thought Mike’s republican Thought of The Day-Wisdom From A Student of The Founding Fathers Mandeville, LA - Mike's Collection of his "[r]epublican Thoughts of The Day". Culled from his continuing study of the Founding Fathers. Please comment here, share this page with friends & family and refresh the page daily for the latest. Why the term [r]epublican? Well, Thomas Jefferson explained this in a letter to John Taylor of Caroline County in 1816. "Were I to assign to this term a precise and definite […] todayDecember 9, 2013 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1720