C.J. Doyle interview: Catholic Boston Is Still There, Just Under The Heretics & Invading New Yorkers
Mandeville, La Mike Church and CJ Doyle discuss the bygone history of Catholicism in the US and break down the modern heresies origins.
Mandeville, La Mike Church and CJ Doyle discuss the bygone history of Catholicism in the US and break down the modern heresies origins.
Mandeville, La https://crusadechannel.com/how-i-learned-to-restore-christs-order-with-marys-chivalry-you-can-too/ Following up with the Mike Church Show after the Chivalry Conference is a recap of the weekend catching up on the news cycle and the one and only Joe Doyle.
End of The Microbrewery - Thanks Sam Adams by Mike Church I stopped drinking Sam Adams beer 4 years ago when CEO Jim Koch threw in with the LGBTQ+ loons and demanded sodomites be admitted entrance as grand marshals in the annual Saint Patrick's Day parade - ditto that for Guinness. Now Koch is busy showing my decision was prudent - he's now on a quest to buy his competition […]
Special Guest Tim Gordon from the TnT show he hosts with Taylor Marshall #TnT @timotheeology This is the proper usage of Federalism. They are basically experimenting with laws that are forcing the Judiciary committees hands. “Quixotism” = Quixotism is impracticality in pursuit of ideals, especially those ideals manifested by rash, lofty and romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. It also serves to describe an idealism without regard to practicality. An […]
From Defending Chastity To Promoting Adultery-The Sad Decline of Chivalry- The Mike Church Show interview with Joseph Pearce Special Guest Joseph Pearce host of The Pearcing Truth - The Sad Decline of Chivalry Listen to More, Mike Church Interviews with Jospeh Pearce! Headmaster Pearce Mike Church and Jospeh Pearce discuss: HEADLINE: For want of a lot of good men by Anna Hitchings She thinks we have reached a crisis. Chivalrous […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
HEADLINE: Female Trans Powerlifter Stripped Of Women's Championship Titles by Emily Zanotti HEADLINE: Supreme Court May Allow User Lawsuits Against Apple For Jacking Up App Prices by Kevin Daley This is interstate commerce. Under the interstate commerce clause - someone does have the Constitutional authority to sue.
Special Guest Robert Colquhoun 40 Days of Life Follow Robert here: @Loveundefiled @40daysforlife over 1 million volunteers in the 40 Days For Life campaign 100 abortion centers closed that had prayer vigils outside of them. A little history of 40 Days For Life - What are the roots of the organization? 1998 started in Texas, in a University town. Planned Parenthood opened one of their first centers. University of Texas […]
Listen HERE Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 11:02am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. 4m HEADLINE: Without Action Now, Drug-Resistant Diseases May Create Pandemics by Nicole Fisher “In the United States, antimicrobial resistance causes more than 2 million infections […]
BACK TO HEADLINE: When Did Online Dating Become Like Drone Warfare? by James Jeffrey Why spend all the time and money on ‘dating’ when you can just swipe right and have sex? All of modern dating is dehumanizing. AUDIO/VIDEO: Fiddle On The Roof ‘Do You Love Me’ Arranged Marriages - There were dowries that were worth a large amount. I’m not saying there weren’t greedy men out there. What does […]