The Mike Church Show

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CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051016 Segments 1-2

Mandeville, LA - This Is Shocking: HB2, The Shell Game of The National Debt, and "Constitutional Conservatives". - When your civilization arrives at a point in time in which smart people (that are allegedly leaders) refuse to identify that the nature of things cannot change, civilization is at an end.  We think that civilization is simply technology: indoor plumbing, modern technology, indoor air conditioning and heating.  Actually, to be in a civilization, we must […]

todayMay 10, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 050916 Seg 3-4-lgBtq Don’t Care About Children, They Care About Their UnNatural Agenda

Mandeville, LA - Deviancy is the New Normal, and We MUST Stop Accepting It As Such. - DC McAllister comes on with Mike to discuss her piece about a naked Bruce Jenner on the cover of a magazine.  Why would Sports Illustrated choose to make this kind of an editorial decision?  It is the politically correct thing to do; SI is advancing an agenda of tolerance and acceptance.  It is about […]

todayMay 9, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 050916 Seg. 1-2-The Burger Queen Meets Washington’s Wartime Luxury

Mandeville, LA - Burger Queen and the Washington Shadow State. - Today is the deadline for North Carolina to respond to the Obama [in]Justice Department's demand for compliance in regards to HB2.  The federal government's Title IX was placed specifically in the Civil Rights Act BECAUSE of gender: to designate men and women (two separate and distinct genders) as equal.  Now, Obama has ordered his henchmen to remove gender entirely?? […]

todayMay 9, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 050616 Segments 3-4

Mandeville, LA -  Looking For Messiahs In All The Wrong Places and Free Phone Friday Phone Calls. - What is a Catholic-Christian to do?  Should Catholics support Donald Trump?  Mike gives his personal take.  Separation of Church and State as we currently understand it is a heresy.  The two should be separate, but the order should be inversed; the Church should be first, with the State separate from, operating under, […]

todayMay 6, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 050616 Seg. 1-2-What’s After HB2 Is Rammed Down Our Revolt, French Guillotines?

Mandeville, LA - IT. IS. OVER.  What's Next At The Lucifer and Baphomet Buffet? - Run for the exit, folks!  Mike continues the discussion from yesterday about the HB2 bathroom nonsense.  What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?!  We've all been told to conform our minds to the reality of The State: denial of God-given gender at birth.  'Don't you care about the feelings of the transgendered and the confused?  […]

todayMay 6, 2016 6

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 050516 Seg. 1-2-Dear Leader Decrees “We’re All Perverts Now”, KingDude Responds, “No, We’re All Formerly ‘Muricans Now”

Mandeville, LA - North Carolina, Is Secession Enough? - A day after the Obama [in]Justice Department warned North Carolina of their 'civil rights violation' (a.k.a., NC's HB2 law, passed in March), Mike takes on the topic in full force.  This is an assault; a gross overreach by the federal government, defying political identification.  It is diabolical: another reminder that the penalty for committing a crime against the American Civil Religion […]

todayMay 5, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 050516 Seg 3-4-Introducing The Suzanne Option & The Pagan Anti-Culture Threat, Soon To Make Martyrs

Mandeville, LA - The Suzanne Option and More HB2 Insanity - A big announcement!  A new show on the Veritas Radio Network: 'The Suzanne Option' with Suzanne Sherman.  Suzanne shares her background and details on the new show, debuting on May 19th.  Learn how to apply 'the Benedict Option' to your own life.  What does it actually take to partially (or completely) remove yourself from the grid? The Obama [in]Justice Department has demanded […]

todayMay 5, 2016 5

Book Mike To Speak


Mandeville, LA - The Bootcamp 3.0 was a fantastic success and we would like to thank Chuck Jenks and A.J. Bormann from the up and coming news site NEWSL for sponsoring the event, please visit their site and support their efforts to deliver quality news and original content. Below are the 3 speeches from the event under the theme: The Cardinal Virtues- Disciplines All Crusaders Must Practice. These files are […]

todaySeptember 24, 2015 12

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Book Mike To Speak

Mike Church, Tea Party Express Speech-The Fraud of FEMA And Mary Landrieu

Biloxi MS - Mike took time from his schedule to meet up with new friends at the Tea Party Express as their tour rolled into downtown Biloxi, MS. On the way to introducing MS state senator Chris McDaniel, Mike explained why MS needs McDaniel as a U.S. Senator and used the example of the fraud & corruption perpetrated by FEMA at the behest of LA Senator Mary Landrieu. See Mike's […]

todayApril 24, 2014 9
