
1980 Results / Page 101 of 220



Ted Cruz Attends Communist Mandela’s Memorial, Storms Out When Living Communist Speaks

Ted Cruz Attends Communist Mandela's Memorial, Storms Out When Living Communist Speaks Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I don’t know if you saw any of the footage from the service, but it was a who’s who smorgasbord of the criminal elite. You had the largest assemblage of criminal minds maybe in the history of the earth.  They who have dreamed up these  grandest and greatest wealth redistribution schemes in the […]

todayDecember 12, 2013 8


If Obamacare Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional Socialism, Why Isn’t It The Same When The GOP Proposes It?

Either the ObamaCare mandate is unconstitutional in all its forms or its not. Here we are faced square again with something that continues to be, I think, a subject worthy of consideration. Is the conservative endeavor and are conservatives to adopt and begin an embrace of and a promotion of their version of how a welfare state ought to run?

todayDecember 9, 2013 5


It Has Begun: The Plans For An Article V Amendment Convention!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’m sure you know, Senator Long, that prior to the election of Ronald Wilson Reagan, there was another gentleman who had a very similar effort over a balanced budget amendment Article V Amendment Convention.  They were very close to getting a convention called until the election of Reagan.  Reagan basically promised those gentlemen: Look, we’re going to deal with this budget deficit.  Of course, […]

todayDecember 8, 2013 7


Stephen Klugewicz On Real History Quiz #3, Secession And More

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We have the third edition of the American history quiz posted at  Where do you get this story that makes up the question about the Maginot Line?  I had never heard that.  That’s one of the ones I did not know.  I’m looking at it going: Oh, crikey.  I’m just gonna guess."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript […]

todayDecember 5, 2013 12


NSA’s Roots Run Much Deeper And Darker Than You’ll Believe

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You want to talk about ironies of irony, this is one.  You have an agency that exceeds its authority.  The reason it exceeds its authority is because there is no authority.  It’s an anarchy.  It makes it up as it goes along.  It doesn’t care what the Constitution says.  It doesn’t care what the Congress says.  Hell, it probably doesn’t care what Obama says. […]

todayDecember 3, 2013 11
