
1980 Results / Page 220 of 220



Bruce Fein On The DudeMaker Hotline

[mp3t track='02122010_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] Mandeville, LA - Fortunate enough to have Bruce Fein back on the showwith us today, a preeminent outspoken authority on matters of foreignpolicy who is always welcome here on The Mike Church Show. First topicof the conversation is what's most prominent in the media currently,the WikiLeaks, which Bruce gives a thorough synopsis of how he feels onit, what the real issue is, and how to solve this and […]

todayDecember 2, 2010 17


Marc Morano On The DudeMaker Hotline

[mp3t track='02122010_Transcript_1.mp3'] Related Material: For more information on the state of global warming as suggested by Marc Morano, listen to this clip from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel: Marc Morano and King Dude Talk Global Warming Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Heres a critical thinker, Marc Morano,, the man that brought the entire Hadley Research Institute to its knees.  How are you, […]

todayDecember 2, 2010 30


Ireland: So They’re Gonna Get A Bailout, Aren’t They?

[mp3t track='23112010_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - For a moment, just for a brief moment today, we are allowed to take a well deserved and much needed break from the monotony of all of our ridiculous economic woes and politely point and laugh at Europe and their surmounting fiscal disaster that's frothingover the side of the mug. In particularly we're discussing the economicfate of the Irish. There was once a time […]

todayNovember 23, 2010 18


Jacob Heilbrunn Says Ron Paul Is An Isolationist

[mp3t track='19112010_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - Today's transcript beginswith a Jacob Heilbrunn editorial written in the Los Angeles Times, apiece that the KingDude deems despicable. He starts things off bytaking up for BernYankMe by calling Ron Paul an isolationist - we saymaybe the isolationists have a point. He then claimsthe Federal Reservewas created to issue currency and set interest rates for banksbalancing the risk of recession and inflation […]

todayNovember 19, 2010 10


Chris of New York Is All For TSA. Mike, Not So Much.

[mp3t track='16112010_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio)Mandeville, LA - It's always fun here on the Mike Church Show, in factsome say it's even mandatory, but what really turns the glitter to goldhere is when a caller, especially of the Libtard denomination, decidesto use the nads in their pants for something other than additions tothe genealogy tree. Today we've got Chris of New York on the phone andin his words: "I believe 95% of everything […]

todayNovember 16, 2010 8


The Fiscal Issue of Housing and Urban Development

[mp3t track='10112010_Transcript_1.mp3']   Related Material: For a quick 'refresh' lesson on how we managed to get this off track with the whole housing busines, listen to this segment on BernYANK-ME's follies from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel: The 2010 Housing Bubble - Starring Ben BernYANK-ME  Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Somebody was proposing that one of the debates thats going to come up […]

todayNovember 10, 2010 11


Test transcript 181010

[mp3t track='10_15_2010_race_flatscreen_tv_1.mp3']18 October, 2010 -Mike was out todays so David Webb filled in.Transcript to follow. 

todayOctober 18, 2010 2


Expedite judgement Day in CA-Vote Jerry Brown!

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: How many of you are following, at any level, the racefor the governorship or the Senate seat in California? I mean, in theSenate race you have the wonderful, what were they called, the GLOW,Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Except theyre not gorgeous, theyrehacks. You have Barbara Bouncer, who cant even name the nine justiceson the Supreme Court. I know this because my friend John Ziegler […]

todaySeptember 30, 2010 8


Obama Is Fighting A War – But Its Against US

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Oh, so predictable.  More Red Sox vs. Yankees.  More red vs. blue.  More liberal vs. conservative.  More Democrat vs. Republican.  At the end of the day, it doesn't freakin matter.  Both parties are in on this.  There are differences, slight differences, in philosophy now since the libtard wing of the Dumbocrat Party is basically running it now.  This will now, let me just explain […]

todayJune 24, 2010 13
