
“Conservative” Fox News: Deny Your Faith, Embrace Homosexual Marriage

todayJanuary 29, 2015 6

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    “Conservative” Fox News: Deny Your Faith, Embrace Homosexual Marriage AbbyMcGinnis

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript John-Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews“The position of the [Catholic] Church is actually one of love.  They don’t want people to go into a behavior that causes them harm to their bodies — and that’s very evident with regard to this homosexual behavior — but also harm to their souls because they believe in eternal life and want everyone in Heaven.  The position is a loving position.  There’s no reason, and it’s only out of prejudice that you would call the church hateful for believing this, for accepting this, for teaching this, for caring enough about the brothers and sisters in the world to be able to tell them, despite getting criticized and called a hater and a bigot, telling them: I love you enough to tell you this behavior harms you and it harms you into eternal life and we don’t want that for you.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

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    “Conservative” Fox News: Deny Your Faith, Embrace Homosexual Marriage AbbyMcGinnis

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    “Conservative” Fox News: Deny Your Faith, Embrace Homosexual Marriage AbbyMcGinnis


Mike:  For Bret Baier to be in the position he’s in, to be saying things like this, number one, I have to wonder where he got his catechism from.  Number two, has anyone gently counseled him and said: Dude, you need to either clarify that or take it back.  What do you think, John-Henry?

John-Henry Westen:  Well, for one thing in regard to Fox NewsBret Baier, he already tried to clarify.  He told the public it was because of the request of the channel’s leadership that I did this.  However, he then told exactly what you said, the criticism of Legatus’ position, Catholic position in that email to Americans for Truth.  So he already tried to squirm his way out of it without really explaining, just trying to blame it on the channel’s leadership.  That was bad enough.  The thing is, the poor fellow has his faith wrong, as you said.  It is true, as you said, that non-negotiables are there in the Catholic Church.  We have to accept them as Catholics if we want to call ourselves that.  We don’t have to.  No one is forced to call ourselves a Catholic.

Mike:  No, you’re not, that’s right.

Westen:  You can easily get out.  There are lots of places to go if you think they’ve got the wrong thing, because if they do, the place is like a house of cards.  They get one doctrine wrong and then the Catholic Church is untrue.  They have dogma, and if one piece is wrong, the whole place goes down.  It’s totally wrong.  If you’re not going to accept one, don’t accept any.  Then there’s this talk about the cure.  That’s one of the things [private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] that’s picked on.  In fact, in many states in the United States right now, they have made counseling people, to help them when they want to, to leave a homosexual lifestyle.  They’ve made it illegal, which is kind of insane, but that’s for another show.

Mike:  You’re talking about New Jersey?

Westen:  All over the place.  They’re starting to do it in more and more states.  Bills are being proposed even this week.  The thing is, this idea is so insane.  Many people in the United States have porn addictions, another kind of damaging sexual practice.  Many people get counseling to deal with that.  Not all of the people who get it are able to actually fully overcome this tendency to want to go into porn, but they’re at least given a chance.  Many people are able to overcome it and healthy sexual lifestyles with their wives and have their families not scandalized by it.  That’s exactly the same thing with every sexual disorder.  This behavior, this homosexual behavior is regarded by the church as something wrong.  Why?  Because the church knows, as does everyone on the planet, that the actual behavior is harmful for your body and harmful for your soul.

The position of the church is actually one of love.  They don’t want people to go into a behavior that causes them harm to their bodies — and that’s very evident with regard to this homosexual behavior — but also harm to their souls because they believe in eternal life and want everyone in Heaven.  The position is a loving position.  There’s no reason, and it’s only out of prejudice that you would call the church hateful for believing this, for accepting this, for teaching this, for caring enough about the brothers and sisters in the world to be able to tell them, despite getting criticized and called a hater and a bigot, telling them: I love you enough to tell you this behavior harms you and it harms you into eternal life and we don’t want that for you.

Mike:  John-Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews is on the Dude Maker Hotline.  Let’s go back to another point on this that I make on my piece at today.  Ladies and gentlemen, I just want you to know this because this is another part that’s misunderstood.  The magisterium, the teaching of Christ that applies here that the Church has been enforcing and adhering to for almost 2000 years treats adultery between heterosexuals the same way it treats adultery between homosexuals.  They are identical.  It’s sinful either way and this is the reason why the marital act is confined to just that, inside the institution of marriage, as Christ himself told us in Matthew 19:3-9.

Here’s the interesting part of the Legatus conference.  I didn’t hear any Bret Baier or Gary Sinise or any of these other guys say anything about this.  There is actually a homosexual who has taken a vow of celibacy that is going to be speaking at Legatus and understands: I can have in my mind — I believe the word is innate.  This is part of the canon law or the dogma or the magisterium that it is possible, and St. Thomas Aquinas even said this, that it is possible to be born with a predisposition to be attracted to the other sex, or to the same sex just as it is to the other.  But the same rules apply.  Outside of conjugal marriage as defined by Christ himself, you are committing a sinful act if you engage.  This is in your LifeSiteNews story.  Tell me about this gentleman.

Westen:  Absolutely.  You have Paul Chek and one of the other fellows whose names I can’t recall off the top.  This is from an organization called Courage.  By the way, if anybody has problems with unwanted homosexual feelings, desires, courage is an awesome place to go to get help.  What it is is a bunch of folks who have the same struggles, who are trying to live a Catholic life, trying to live faithful to the teachings of the church, and recognize this disorder / desire, this desire to — by the way, if you’re porn addicted or whatever, you go to a group to sort of support and counsel one another.  What this is is a speaker from the group coming to share his struggle, to share his road.  It is so difficult nowadays to even imagine: You’re gay, wonderful.  What, you don’t want to practice gay?  It’s almost this bordering on illegal.  He’s coming out to basically share his story and share the truth.  The real motivation of these folks is to get into the public that we can have these desires like you guys have all sorts of sexual desires that you shouldn’t be fulfilling, and we can live fulfilled lives in the church, practicing the truth, and not offending our good Lord.  We have the power to do that through Him.  Just like you have to struggle against adultery, against lust, against everything else in your hetero lives, if you want to call it that, we can do that, too, by being faithful with the power of Jesus Christ.  That’s their message and it’s a beautiful message and a powerful message.  This is what’s being protested against.

There are many of those folks.  It’s not just Paul.  They’re all over the place.  Honestly, they’re getting squeezed out of society.  You’d think the most hated person with a same-sex attraction are all the ones that scream about being picked on.  Absolutely no way, because these folks are picked on by the pro-homosexual activist community like there’s no tomorrow.  They want to drum them out of existence.  They make it illegal for therapists to help them to deal with these desires that they don’t want.  If you want to know who are the most bullied in society, it’s definitely these folks.  It’s so bad that the gay activists can’t even stand that these Catholics come and speak at a Catholic conference.  They go absolutely crazy and put it in the media that if anybody is associated with this Catholic group that they’re haters and bigots.

Mike:  Quite remarkable, especially considering we just went through this ridiculous exercise of endorsing sacrilege, blasphemy, and outright pornography by being forced to all say “Je Suis Charlie.”  I refuse to say “Je Suis Charlie” because I don’t endorse pornographers and I don’t endorse and stand shoulder to shoulder and arm to arm with blasphemers and all the other things that “Je Suis Charlie” was doing here.  Apparently, though, if you want to be a pornographer or if you want to be a blasphemer, if you want to be sacrilege and you want to work for a magazine, you want to draw cartoons to that effect, you have the right to do it.  Society needs to get down on its knees and pray to whatever it is they pray to that you’re brave enough to go out and do this.

But if you’re in the same society and you profess: There’s a man, Christ, a man, God, that walked among us 2,000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth.  He left us a little manual for how to conduct our lives we have been living by.  We have Him to thank for Western civilization today, and he told us that we shouldn’t’ do these certain things like homosexual marriages, etc., etc., and give tacit endorsements to pedophilia and all the other things, so we’re not going to do them.  You’re not allowed to speak.  [mocking] “Wait, we didn’t say free speech of that kind of speech.”  They won’t endorse your freedom in that regard.  Listen to this.  This is from your story at LifeSiteNews:


Columnist Jennifer Roback Morse wrote in the National Catholic Register about the threat the homosexual movement feels from Legatus Summit speaker Paul Darrow. [Mike: As you pointed out, John-Henry, Paul Darrow is a homosexual, and they feel threatened by him.] Darrow, who experiences same-sex attraction and lived the homosexual lifestyle for years, has converted to Catholicism and chosen a chaste lifestyle with the help of the Catholic group Courage, much-maligned by homosexuals. [/private]

[end reading]

Over 8 hours of Family-Friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment
Over 8 hours of Family-Friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment

Mike:  There are so many facets to this.  Why are homosexuals attacking other homosexuals?  I thought that the mere fact, the existence of your homosexuality was enough to inoculate you or immunize you against attacks, against criticism, bigotry for anyone that was so blessed by homosexuality, right?

Westen:  Absolutely.  Well, what this does — I guess this is what speaks to the human conscience.  I guess what you see is, when people see others in their same boat, same-sex attraction, but when they see they’re able to overcome, you have one of two choices.  You go: Okay, I can overcome, too, and I’m going to try or not going to try, whatever.  Good for him.  Or you see it as a threat to your own conscience.  You see it as: Hey, I’m living the style because why?  Because I can’t get out and nobody can; it’s impossible.  That’s the line from the society, that it’s totally impossible to do anything with this.  Yet when you have the example of those whose lives show it is possible, then your conscience is pricked.  You’re required then to either do it or not do it but it’s on you again.  Therefore, often we get this feeling of: Hey, I hate those guys because they’re showing me it’s possible and I don’t want to believe it.  That’s all subconscious but it really plays out.  Often mothers of large families get this same reaction from women who’ve chosen to go on the pill and have their 1.5 children.  They see a woman with six, seven kids and they freak out on them.  They tell them they’re wrecking the planet and whatever else, probably based on some of that same feeling.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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