
The Real Tragedy Is The Loss Of Souls

todayAugust 18, 2016 5



#EXIT-stage-[r]ight_3Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“I don’t think the finality of the end of the soul’s existence in this world is understood by modern man anymore.  As a matter of fact, not only do I think, I’m fairly certain it’s not understood by most modern men today, because if it was, we would always keep our gaze and we would organize our societies around the fact that the soul is as precious as the terrestrial human life that contains it presently, currently, but yet temporarily.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  . . . never been around when someone actually has expired from a gunshot wound, it’s on YouBoob.  You can actually watch someone expire.  I was thinking about this the other day.  When people are shot and they die, their souls leave their bodies.  The Latin word for souls is animas.  We use that word today in a lot of different ways.  You use it in cartoons, animation.  At the time of the founding fathers, they may have used it to say animadverted, meaning they were very excited or very loud and boisterous about a point.  The root word, anima, soul, is part of those uses.  It’s acknowledged.  Even the Greek pagans, before our Lord even came, it was acknowledged by the Greek philosophers and those that had gone before them, that there was something spiritual about man, and that life couldn’t just start and end by pure physical forces, that something else had to be being brought to bear.  That something else was called the soul.

Now, it doesn’t seem to occur to modern man, and certainly not modern ‘Murican man, that this thing we call the soul still exists in the age of the iPhone.  [mocking] “Maybe we had souls.  Maybe they were important back in the day.  Mr. Church, please.  This is the modern world.  We don’t need souls anymore.  We have iPhones.  We have computers.  We have Olive Garden and Regal Cinema.  We have 3D movies.  We don’t even have to read books anymore because everything comes in digital form.  Why do we need souls?”  You don’t necessarily need them.  You are required, there would be no life without one.

I don’t think the finality of the end of the soul’s existence in this world is understood by modern man anymore.  As a matter of fact, not only do I think, I’m fairly certain it’s not understood by most modern men today, because if it was, we would always keep our gaze and we would organize our societies around the fact that the soul is as precious as the terrestrial human life that contains it presently, currently, but yet temporarily.  We might be fixated upon: What happens to it when it leaves here?

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Does this occur to anyone?  When you watch these videos of these men having been shot by police officers – in the one instance of the guy that was shot in, I think in Minnesota, he basically expires.  What does St. John say – in St. John’s gospel, when our Lord expires, what does he say?  At 3 p.m., he gave up the ghost.  He gave up the soul.  It’s gone.

Philando Castile, the circumstances surrounding Castile’s shooting are starting to become clear.  You can watch – I’m not going to play you the video because I have no desire – I’ve already seen it about 400 times here.  As a matter of fact, I have to turn away every time they show it on the Clinton News Network or on Fox News.  Rod Dreher writes this:


My God, this video below of the immediate aftermath of Philando Castile’s shooting by a suburban Minneapolis police officer leaves one speechless. His girlfriend, Lavish Reynolds, started uploading the video to Facebook live, moments after the officer shot him in a traffic stop for a busted tail light. In the video, you see a wounded, bleeding Castile in what were the last moments of his life. Do not watch this if you are not prepared for it!

[end reading]

Mike:  You’re going to watch a man die.  His soul is going to exit his body.  His body, therefore, is not animated.  There’s that word again, animas.  It’s not animated any longer.  Did he have a chance for a final confession?  Did he have a chance for a final act of contrition?  Was he in a state of grace?  Does anyone care?  These are serious questions here.  According to the Washington Compost:


As Castile moans and appears to lose consciousness, the officer can be heard in the background shouting expletives in apparent frustration.

“Mam, keep your hands where they are,” the officer shouts at Reynolds.”

[end reading]

Mike:  You can see the video.  After the dude is dead basically, and the cop is still standing there at the car with the gun pointed inside the car.  Yeah, I know, you police officers, LEOs out there, I know you can never be too sure.  I understand that.  It’s not a Philando Castileknock on you.  I’m just observing what’s on the video.  And other people are not going to be, obviously, as conciliatory towards police officers as we will be here.


“I told him not to reach for it! I told him to get his hands up.”

“You told him to get his ID, sir, his driver’s license,” Reynolds responds. “Oh my god. Please don’t tell me he’s dead. Please don’t tell me my boyfriend just went like that.”

[end reading]

Mike:  What is going on here?  The death of aborted babies doesn’t seem to bother us.  The death of people killed as noncombatants by drone strikes in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and every hell-forsaken third-world country in the Middle East and Asia and Northern Africa doesn’t seem to matter to us.  Now it doesn’t seem to matter to us when it’s on a talk show, Facebook, and social media chatter that people are expiring at the hands of police officers.  One guy shot during a traffic stop over a busted taillight.  What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?  More from the Washington Compost:


From her video, Reynolds appears to have begun recording seconds after her boyfriend was shot, just after 9 p.m. local time.

In the video, Reynolds tells the police that her boyfriend is “good man” who works for St. Paul Public Schools.

“He doesn’t have no record or anything,” she says. “He’s never been in jail or anything. He’s not a gang member or anything.”

A website for J.J. Hill Montessori Magnet School lists Phil Castile as its cafeteria supervisor.

Clarence Castile, Philando’s uncle, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that his nephew had worked in the school’s cafeteria for 12 to 15 years, “cooking for the little kids.” He said his nephew was “a good kid” who grew up in St. Paul. Philando Castile’s Facebook page says he attended the University of Minnesota.

“He was reaching for his license and registration. You told him to get it sir! You told him,” Reynolds says. “He tried to tell you he was licensed to carry and he was going to take it off. Please don’t tell me boyfriend is gone. He don’t deserve this.”

The screen goes black.

“Please Lord, you know our rights Lord,” Reynolds says, apparently praying. “You know we are innocent people, Lord. We are innocent people.”

[end reading]

Mike:  That’s a good thing that she prayed.  Ladies and gentlemen, we’re still in independence week.  Is this what we have independence for?  We live in a society that has gone and is going complete berserk.  You know that movie that’s out right now called The Purge?  It’s in the third iteration now.  Is it far-fetched?  Is the movie series based on actual events?  Some may begin to think so.  Is that fiction or is it based on a real-life account?  I began looking this up.  I had a very rough time here during show the roots of american orderprep today.  We had some serious technical difficulties that consumed about 45 minutes of my prep time trying to get corrected, which we ultimately did.  I didn’t have as much time as I would have liked to.  And, yes, I got up early, at 4 a.m.  [mocking] “Why don’t you try getting up early?”  I was here plenty early.

I remember reading this book.  I don’t have it with me.  It’s in the library somewhere at home.  It was written by Russell Kirk back in the 1960s.  It’s called The Roots of American Order.  I was attempting to get to some possibly digitized form of it so I could quote from the first couple chapters.  In the first chapter or two, Kirk sets up his thesis.  The thesis is that you have law and order.  Law and order, though, are not the same thing.  They work in concert together, but they’re not the same thing.  You can have law to assist with the order, but truth be known, it is the order that actually assists in the enforcement and obedience to the law.

It’s what we used to call here on this show, back on the old station in the old country, obedience to the unenforceable.  When you have obedience to the unenforceable, that means that men are guided by their own personal pursuit of virtue.  When they’re guided by their own personal pursuit of virtue, and they’re guided by Christian ethics, the set of laws externally that is needed to constrain or restrict their affairs or their behavior is minimized.  Law then is small.  Order is big.  Today, law is huge and order is almost nonexistent.  This was written by Gleaves Whitney.  There’s a review of The Roots of American Order by Gleaves Whitney.

To continue the discussion here, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana – I’m in Mandeville, Louisiana.  I can go up the highway right now about an hour away and I would be in Baton Rouge.  If you don’t know what that means in French, that means red stick.  A red stick in the bend of the river, that’s where the town was set up.  There’s another shooting yesterday.  If you haven’t seen this video, this is another horrid, horrid, horrid, unthinkable thing to watch.  There was an exchange of gunfire by a police officer who was lying on the ground.  The facts in this case also still being learned.  What we do know is this: The man who was shot is dead.  He died there lying on the pavement.  His soul left his body there while it was being videotaped.  There was nonstop press conference yesterday.  The governor of Louisiana, Governor John Bel Edwards came out and said: This is so horrible, I don’t even know what to say about it.  The governor doesn’t say very many things that I think are wise, but in that instance saying nothing other than “I’m speechless” is probably all that he could say.

A man shows up at a convenience store to sell CDs.  He’s not selling drugs.  He’s known to be some sort of a CD – I don’t know – there are some people out there saying: You know he was asked to leave.  Look, the facts are still coming out.  The idea here that we should just accept all of this violence that’s going on around us and not ask questions about it.  Again, souls are leaving bodies.  People are not being afforded or given the chance for contrition when this happens.  This is serious business.  As a matter of fact, please tell me what business is more serious than this.


This gentleman was shot at least five times on the video that’s been posted, the most recent video taken by the store owner, that shows the exchange of gunfire there.  There is a big of a struggle, but nothing that would, seemingly that would warrant the end result of all the shots that are fired and the end of this man’s life.  He was a father.  He did have children.  There was a nonstop vigil out in front of the police headquarters and then the capitol building yesterday in Baton Rouge.

Look, I know you cops have it tough, but this is becoming so regular of an occurrence.  This is not happening in Istanbul.  This is not happening on the streets of Jakarta.  Maybe it is.  The point is, it’s not happening on the mean streets of Rio de Janeiro.  This is not happening on the mean streets of Venezuela, or in the gang-controlled streets of Mexico where the drug lords rule.  This is happening in America.  We are therefore at least partly responsible for the culture in which it’s happening.  You can’t just say we don’t have any culpability here.  Rachel Lu writing about this at The Federalist, “You Don’t Have To Be Black Lives Matter To Support Police Accountability.”


This has been a tough week for American police. They’re learning the hard way that in today’s world, the cell phone is mightier than the gun.

Have you tried the all new Veritas Radio Network yet?  You can listen to the Mike Church Show LIVE weekdays 8-11 CST.   The show is easier to access than ever before.  But Veritas Radio isn’t JUST Mike Church, try the exclusive shows by Veritas_earbuds_listenBrother Andre: ReConquest, David Simpson’s True Money, The Mark Kreslins Show, The Suzanne Option with Suzanne Sherman, My Story of America with Michael T George, Reverse Deception with Gregory Carpenter and The Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman.  Help us continue our search for TRUTH by signing up for a Founders Pass Membership today!

[end reading]

Mike:  There used to be a saying that I heard when I was a teenager: If you have a nice muscle car and you’re out driving and a police officer attempts to pull you over and he’s in a certain other kind of car, you might be able to outrun him.  The adage used to be you might be able to outrun his car, but you can’t outrun the Motorola radio.  Now you may be able to outthink or outsmart the perps or thieves out there, but you can’t outrun or outsmart social media and the rise of cell phone videos.  They’re everywhere.  There’s no public event that doesn’t happen where there’s not, seemingly, a video taken of it on someone’s phone.  We live in the age of reality television, whether we like it or not.  The gentleman shot in Baton Rouge was named Alton Sterling.


First, there was Alton Sterling. He made a small living trafficking in illegal goods – specifically, bootleg CDs. In the small hours of Tuesday morning, the Baton Rouge police put a stop to it. A widely-circulated cell phone video shows police forcing him to the ground and restraining him. Resistance is minimal; he clearly isn’t planning to put up a fight. Then, the officer further away from the camera shouts something about a gun. The closer officer draws his weapon, pauses for a sickening moment [Mike: He didn’t pause. He points it into his chest. He sticks it directly into his chest. It’s hard to understand what he’s yelling because I watched the video.] as if contemplating what to do, and shoots the restrained man at point-blank range.

If you can watch this video without expletives, you’re more civilized than I am.

[end reading]

Mike:  Imagine you’re the shop owner and you’re watching.  Just tragic, tragic.  Where’s the compassion?  Two men are dead.  Two police officers’ lives, at least two, are now ruined.  They have to live with what they’ve done.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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