
Dear #MAGA’s: Muricah’s New Foreign Policy Equals Death and Debt, Same As Old Policy, Only Worse

todayJanuary 29, 2018 4


Mandeville, LA – The reality of the DeceptiCON, war-monger’s takeover of the Trump White House, should be dawning and then looming like a 10 mile wide asteroid careening for the eastern Atlantic Ocean’s coast, to the #MAGA faithful. Then again, most of them lost the capacity to care about Just War when Saddam received his first dose of ‘Murican Exceptionalism.


Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:12 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on this Monday January 29, 2018

Call the Mike Church Show at 844-5CRUSADE

6:16 Saint of the DaySt. Frances de Sales



HEADLINE: Trump plans to ask for $716 billion for national defense in 2019 — a major increase by Greg Jaffe

  • The proposed budget is a victory for Defense Secretary Jim Mattis (this has to be ‘fake news’
  • military fiefdom
  • Ron Paul soundbite (define Conservatism)
6:32 HEADLINE: Another Step Toward Armageddon by Paul Craig Roberts

  • How many years ago was 911?
  • How many years since we were told we are going to go fight them THERE and not here and we will be much safer?
  • “People’s union of military fiefdom has spent 9 Trillion yet headlines state we are more unsafe than ever!”



Like it or not, our US military forces regime changes for the benefit of political profiteering. We Like War! We are a War-Like People!

The Military – “Defending our freedom? Freedom from what? Can you refuse to bake a cake for sodomites?” – Mike Church

Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE




VIDEO: Google Home device being asked “Who is Jesus or Jesus Christ?”

Google Home smart speaker DOESN’T know who Jesus is but can identify Muhammad, Buddha and Satan, outraged users claim

 7:06 VIDEO: Hillary Clinton gives thanks to ‘activists b—-es supporting b—-es’ in bizarre video
7:11 Recap of headline from Friday: Irish priest asks for back-up as demand for exorcisms rises ‘exponentially’

  • “Ireland is a small place, if they are measuring that kind of increase just because of the laws recently passed can you imagine what WE have going on here in USA?” – Mike Church
 7:25 Welcome back to the Mike Church Show LIVE!
7:30 Hey men, grab a weapon and get in the game.

Explains the 4 sins which cry to heaven for vengeance:

  1. willful murder
  2. sin of sodom
  3. oppression of the poor
  4. defrauding the laborer of his wages
7:36 HEADLINE: For Proof Abortion Is Inhumane, Look No Further Than Supporters’ Defenses Of Killing Disabled People by Margot Cleveland

7:49 Support those that support us: McClure Tables they have been a Veritas Radio Network supporter since day ONE!
7:51 back to the headline: For Proof Abortion Is Inhumane….

  • St. Francis de Sales – quote on vocation
  • stop using the term “unborn” and start using the phrase “soon to be born”
  • THIS is why Ireland is going through the massive attacks from demons (see article recap from earlier)
  • (Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act – can you believe we as humans even have to have this Act? –  This law has nothing to do with a woman exercising control over her body; this law only applies after the abortion procedure is completed and the baby is born alive.) – from the article
8:03 Caller Pete from upstate NY: some babies are worth government funding and some are not based the story you are discussing now.

  • discussion on demons and spirits
  • paranormal groups and organizations
8:15 back to the headline: For Proof Abortion Is Inhumane….

  • fetus is merely the technical term for an unborn baby, and abortion kills their unborn baby
8:21  Have you shopped our Catholic Corner? Adding 3 new rosaries today handmade by Maggie!

Flash Sale of the Day: Noble Beauty for only $25.95

Apologetics Course will resume on Wednesday night at 6pm cst

Join us for Course #2 January 31st

 8:46 Welcome back to the Mike Church Show LIVE!
8:50 St. Francis de Sales : story about his life

Do you read about the Saints?

The Spirit of Saint Francis de Sales by Jean Pierre Camus

 8:56 Catholic Air Raid Siren: St. Francis de Sales

Popular story of St. Francis de Sales

9:25 Do you hold grudges with family members or friends or to even ASK a friend for forgiveness?



Fasting: Traditional way of fasting

  • What can you eat? How much can you eat? What days do you fast?
  • This is what happens when you allow Catholics to stray from Tradition.
  • The Ash Wednesday fasting and asking for a dispensation from not eating meat




When Harry Became Sally book by Ryan T Anderson

HEADLINE: The Medical Monsters Among Us by Austin Ruse

  • most of these people receive NO counseling prior to surgeries
  • they regret the decision of mutilation almost immediately after the surgery
  • they are almost pressured to have the surgeries
  • is there any other medical condition where you can tell the doctor you have a certain condition which has NO TEST, and receive life altering medications on YOUR say so?
The Veritas Radio Network also has a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to All requests are annoymous unless otherwise specified.
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Written by: candacechurch

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