Daily Clip

Father’s Job is to Get Kids to Heaven

todayJune 11, 2015 11

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    Father’s Job is to Get Kids to Heaven ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA –This Clip of The Day was originally aired and published on Sep 7,2012 and is part of the Founders Pass Flashback Collection.

Exclusive Audio and Transcript – As a priest explained to me one day, your job as a father in your house is the same as my job.  Your job is to get those women and children to heaven.  That is your job.  That is your number one job, to get them to heaven.  I expounded on that by saying the other job of all the men listening to this radio show, that hopefully will turn their lives around if they haven’t already — maybe they were already practicing it, many of us weren’t and are just getting religion here.  Our job also as men is to be the leader of that household and to commit to not only getting our children and wives to heaven, but making those children responsible citizens, good, virtuous citizens.  That’s your job, men. Check out the rest on today’s audio and transcript…

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 feature presentations, Church Doctrine audio & video clips and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Not convinced? Take the tour! Thanks for 18 years of mike church.com! – Mike


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    Father’s Job is to Get Kids to Heaven ClintStroman

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    Father’s Job is to Get Kids to Heaven ClintStroman



Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Next up is Kim in Mississippi.  How are you doing?

Caller Kim:  I am doing wonderful.  I want to thank you, Mr. Church, for trying to show what real men are, to get men to realize how important they are.  War is against men, it’s not against women.  They’re slowly neutering these men to make them feel unimportant.  Men are important.  They have certain fortes I will never have.  My entire family, we women know we are cherished and protected.  Does that mean we are wimps?  Oh, no.  Our men are proud of us because they know that in the event something should happen, we will take you out.  The feeling of being cherished and protected, these women will never understand that feeling.  I’m so thankful for you for trying to get these men to understand how special a man is, a father, a husband, a strong father and husband.  I just don’t know how to thank you enough.  I don’t hear anybody else speaking about this.

Mike:  Kim, thank you very much.  I wouldn’t do anything differently.  I fail to understand the people that just live to attack their own civilization and the people that live to attack the traditions — we heard a lot of bluster in the last two weeks about the “greatest nation on the face of the Earth,” “the greatest nation in the history of mankind.”  If it’s so great, why do we have to draft women to go fight our wars?  What the hell are you people talking about?  You can’t even preserve the family structure, the gender unit.  That’s what makes us great?  Throwing every tradition ever created, ever honored out the window?  What the hell are you talking about?

Caller Kim:  Exactly.  You’re bringing joy back into the family.  That is my job as the woman.  With my man, I know I am protected, I am cherished.  That way, I don’t have to worry about protecting my family.  I am the heart of the family.  I bring the peace.  I bring the happiness and the stability.  My husband protects my family, my girls, everything.  The entire family is this way.  I don’t understand people that don’t feel the family is important.

Mike:  I told the story once on the air that I sent in a homily in a Catholic church one Sunday morning.  The priest said something that will be with me for the rest of my life.  I was in shock after I heard it that I had never heard it before, and perhaps that is a symptom of our sickness.  What he said was — there’s a reason why they call priests father.  People go to a father, a priest to do confession and perform the baptism, to do all the things that, in the Catholic faith and even in the Protestant faith, will get you to heaven.  You want to be baptized.  You want to beg forgiveness of sin.  You want to consecrate your marriage.  You want to perform Christian charity.  All these things that Christianity says you need to do and Christ told us we need to do to get to heaven come to us and are reiterated to us by earthly men we call fathers.  These are the ecclesiastical fathers, the priests.

There is the layperson father, too.  As the priest explained to any man that was in that crowd that day, your job as a father in your house is the same as my job.  Your job is to get those women and children to heaven.  That is your job.  That is your number one job, to get them to heaven.  I expounded on that, Kim, by saying the other job of all the men listening to this radio show, that hopefully will turn their lives around if they haven’t already — maybe they were already practicing it, many of us weren’t and are just getting religion here.  Our job also as men is to be the leader of that household and to commit to not only getting our children and wives to heaven, but making those children responsible citizens, good, virtuous citizens.  That’s your job, men.  You’re not going to be able to do that if you’re sending your daughters over to fight your own wars or advocating that women and daughters ought to be fighting our wars.  I’m sorry, it just doesn’t work that way and it’s not going to work that way.  Kim, I’m glad you heard that.  I was wondering if any women were listening today and had picked upon that.  I certainly appreciate it.  Good to hear from you, madam.  Thank you very much.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Jeffrey Walden on September 10, 2012

    Just another reason why Mike is simply the best talk radio host in the country. Kudos to the King Dude for hitting this one out of the park. Thank you for being the voice of millions of Christian men around the country who are strive to be that type of man for their families.
