Daily Clip

Hour One, Hour Two Recap

todayJune 25, 2015 7

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    Hour One, Hour Two Recap AbbyMcGinnis

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The WORLD FAMOUS I’m The Crusader T-shirt is starting conversations and garnering stares everywhere folks are wearing it. Order 3 today and your shipping is FREE!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Then there is the Manichean part, which is the bad god, the god who makes men do despicable things.  Obviously the flag is the despicable thing in this instance.  It obviously made the Roof kid pick up the gun, go into the prayer meeting and shoot people.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Hour One, Hour Two Recap AbbyMcGinnis

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    Hour One, Hour Two Recap AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I’m doing triple duty today serving as your online and on-air professor for the study and defense of the Constitution, for the truth about American history and about the War of Northern Aggression, the truth about St. Abraham Lincoln’s sick, twisted relationship with Karl Marx, and for the revelation that the Manichean heresy is still alive and still well almost 1500 years after it was first denounced and practitioners of it excommunicated, St. Ambrose and St. Augustine.  [mocking] “What’s a heresy? What’s Manichean?”  Manichaeism says that there are two gods, a good god and bad god.  In this instance today as the fake practitioners of Christian love and faith, hope, and charity practice it, there is a good god that makes people hold hands and walk across bridges in Charleston, South Carolina.  That’s the good god.  And then he gathers them together in angry, yelling, screaming mobs to take down inanimate objects that preside over the monuments and memorials dedicated to Southern men mowed down in the service of their country at that time.  You call it the rebel battle flag.

Then there is the Manichean part, which is the bad god, the god who makes men do despicable things.  Obviously the flag is the despicable thing in this instance.  It obviously made the Roof kid pick up the gun, go into the prayer meeting and shoot people.  It obviously makes everyone who is not a racist a racist or to consider racism.  And it is obviously the work of the bad god.  So men are not responsible for their own racism, the mortal sin that is racism.  Men are not responsible for what is the result of the mortal sin of racism.  No, the bad god is.  Let’s remove the bad god.  Let’s make certain that we purge from every vestibule, from every obelisk, from every corner of the United States including Wal-Mart stores every iteration of the cross of St. Andrew.  Of course, no one is going to call it that.

I just posted another picture, by the way.  If you’re on the Facebook fan page and you’re having fun jostling with those that stare in stark disbelief and have no response whatsoever to the clan rallies and marches that were held in Mordor on the Potomac.  I’m not going to say who keeps posting the pictures because I don’t want to cause enmity to come his way because there’s enough of it coming my way, which, as I repeat my litany of humility every day and try to repeat it before this hour, please, continue.  Please continue the persecution, the ridicule, the calumny.  They are now sources of great joy.  This one is a front-on view of about 2,000 or 3,000 clan members all marching on Mordor away from the Capitol building, on the Mall, I assume, every single one of them bearing a 48-star Old Glory flag.  [mocking] “That’s a symbol of love and unity.  We’re all gathered together under that one.”  Fake unity.  Fake human charity.

I’ll say this again for the edification of those who may not have heard hour one and hour two of this program.  The purpose of the first two hours of history and of revelation on this program was not to point fingers at Northerners and Southerners.  It was to simply illustrate the point that there were ample racists – again, I said this at the end of last hour, but you may be new this hour.  There are ample amount of racists all the way from Bangor, Maine all the way to San Diego or to Baja, California.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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