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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Romney takes what could have been a Statesman’s calling and turned it into a shameful, P.T. Barnum episode in foreign policy. While the War Council at Fox News & Talk Radio Stations cheered, Independents watched in stunned, disbelief, wondering how John McCain’s “Lehman Bros moment” from 2012 could possibly happen again
Michael Brendan Dougherty explains why embassies in foreign lands are NOT Alamo’s
AmConMag’s Larison: Romney’s self inflicted Libya wound seals his fate
L.A. Slimes: Romney’s opportunism is shocking
While DeceptiCONS punish their war drums and claim the blessing Jefferson in their lustful mission to Libya, Tom Woods reminds us that Jefferson did nothing remotely like what Hannity, Bolton, Levin, O’Hanlon et cetera are clamoring for
The CNN rundown/timeline of the BenGhazi, Libya attacks
Professional terrorism hack Fran Townshend now lobbies for more “attention & support” to Libya and Egypt, read “more U.S. wealth transfers” to her bank account
Libs are now assured that Romney will never be President which may be the only ray of hope left to unseat Dear Leader: Liberal smugness
Glenn Greenwald agrees: Romney & GOP take a potential Obama weakness and turn it into their own liability with the Libyan debacle (weakness as in “why are aiding and have aided the ‘Arab Spring’ in Libya & Egypt to start with!?”)
This should not need top be said but in the land of the “Shill-In Talk Show Host” it must: There is NO SUCH THING as a worldwide grant to free speech
New Orleans clueless (and hairless) mayor joins Clueless Governor in accepting Federal bailout funds for Hurricane Isaac cleanup whose principal damage is caused by the Feds control of the Mississippi
Written by: TheKingDude
1st Amendment Greenwald jefferson Libya romney terrorism Tom Woods
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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