insert_link Founders Corner Trump Should Read Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Speech todayJanuary 20, 2025 97
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saford on October 3, 2012 Beautiful sentiment..but..what do you do while in practice of these ideals the forces of “evil” for lack of a better word bring their strife to our front door? Log in to Reply
Cliff Johnson on January 7, 2013 You must first realize that the reason “evil” shows up at your door is because this government, since long ago, has been provoking and using force in other nations that create hatred towards us. Once that understanding has been established, the solution is to follow the advice of the founders; Remain a friend to other nations, encourage and cheer on their advances in freedom and liberty. However, never become militarily or monetarily involved in their transformation. Good or bad. Interference, involvement and meddling in foreign affairs will always create resentment, from either one side or the other. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on January 8, 2013 Cliff, that is precisely what JQA says in his speech. Fitting, isn’t it, that he delivered it on the 45th anniversary of Our Declaration!? Log in to Reply
d. harschetd on June 2, 2014 What does the phrase “…our front door…” mean, or imply? Does it mean we’re being attacked physically? Then we should immediately defend ourselves, with force if necessary. Of course. If there are no signs of imminent invasion, then our Army should stand down. Sending a “symbolic” small number of troops to countries that “threaten”us ” are usually precursors to sending more troops until a military standoff arises. And we’re off, perhaps, to another war. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757