Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – To say, like Congressman King and others are saying, that we don’t have a large enough presence here or that there’s something lacking in the surveillance state, I think, is ridiculous. You guys were served this kid up on a platter and decided, “He’s not our guy. Nothing to see here. Let’s move along.” So when the government has an unbelievable failure on its track record, you can’t sue them to correct it. No one is going to suffer a wrongful death lawsuit. There’s not going to be any lawsuit waged against the FBI or any other federal agency. They have blanket immunity from all this. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: Lynn is in New York, next on The Mike Church Show. Hello, Lynn.
Caller Lynn: Hey, how you doing?
Mike: All right, thank you.
Caller Lynn: The thing I was calling about was, you said about the mosque and people just trampling over them because you’re going over them or whatever. The thing about it is, like you just said, we had 19 hijackers that were here legally — technically a lot of them weren’t because they’d expired their visas.
Mike: Right, the visas were expired. I mean they got here legally.

Caller Lynn: Right. The thing about it is, we know where most of this is coming from. Do you run in there with guns blazing into a mosque? No. You have the right to sit in one and listen. You can place people in there, just sitting and listening. You’re right in that you can’t run them over, but you shouldn’t be — the other thing is, should we be hitting every mosque? Probably not. The ones that have the history of producing radicals, maybe you do look at at least those. I don’t think you gotta go to every nook and cranny of every mosque in the country. The ones that have the track record are the ones I believe you should be looking at.
AG: Lynn, if you take that analogy across to some right-wing groups, do you think that should apply to them as well?
Caller Lynn: I’m sure it does.
AG: You’re sure it does but should it? Are we entering then a slippery slope if you allow that kind of surveillance and push for it?
Caller Lynn: You do. It’s getting to be one of these things where — if I had an easy answer, it would be great. The problem is, like the ones in Virginia I guess is supposed to be one of the areas. Then the Boston one they talked about. How do you not at least somehow look at, if nothing else — a lot of your social media, that’s wide open to everybody, right? If Ted Nugent gets p-holed for something he said five or six months ago at a gun show or whatever it was he said and had all those issues where they actually came to visit him.
Mike: He said something about Obama and they went and visited him. He made the comment: As if I’m actually going to do harm to the President of the United States, please. I think my whereabouts are pretty well known. It was about Obama that he said something, didn’t he?
AG: Yeah, something to that effect.
Caller Lynn: I think it was. The thing is, now you’ve got all these social sites the kid was on. You always hear about how everybody is always worried about Big Brother watching me. If they really are, then why wasn’t this kid at least flagged somehow?
Mike: That’s what I said, Lynn. The federal government has assumed tremendous and awesome powers, or it has grabbed tremendous and awesome powers that it should not possess. It has grabbed them in the name of homeland security. [mocking] “We’ve got to stop these attacks from happening!” We find out that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, that’s what FBI stands for, actually had a lead on the Tsarnaev brother, questioned him, and said nothing to see here, move along. To say, like Congressman King and others are saying, that we don’t have a large enough presence here or that there’s something lacking in the surveillance state, I think, is ridiculous. You guys were served this kid up on a platter and decided, [mocking] “He’s not our guy. Nothing to see here. Let’s move along.” So when the government has an unbelievable failure on its track record, you can’t sue them to correct it. No one is going to suffer a wrongful death lawsuit. There’s not going to be any lawsuit waged against the FBI or any other federal agency. They have blanket immunity from all this.
Think about this for just a moment here. Let’s just say the parents of the little eight-year-old boy who was killed in that bombing decide that they want to sue for wrongful death. Who are they ultimately going to go after? If they can’t get the City of Boston because of some immunity, because it was a public event, then they probably will go after the organizers of the marathon. Maybe Andrew can fill me in. I don’t know who runs the marathon. How is it the marathon company or whoever runs the marathon’s responsibility to provide safety when we are told incessantly and in a never-ending fashion that it’s the Feds’ job to provide safety? No one from the Boston Marathon corporation or whoever throws the marathon ever questioned Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but someone from the Federal Bureau of Investigation did. Ultimately, if there is a lawsuit, it is going to be the private entity that is going to be sued and have to defend itself and not the government. If you’re going to assume all these responsibilities, then you have to assume responsibility for what happens when you fail. There is no corrective mechanism for government when it fails, is there, Lynn?
Caller Lynn: No. The thing is, you hit it on the head a while back when you said, number one, it was citizens that found these guys. To me, the stunt of this whole thing, you take those local cops, as the story has been told so far, that this guy came out from behind that car, guns blazing, ran out of ammo, and they tackled him. Think about those local guys. They aren’t all geared up. They aren’t all helmeted up. They just gutted it up and jumped this guy, thinking possibly he had a bomb vest on. If you’re going to put money into stuff, and I believe you said the same thing earlier, if you put it in the local area with the people who understand that something is out of place, the people who know that this guy hasn’t been here for a long time. How does somebody 1,000 miles or 500 miles away tell you what’s going on in your community? We obviously proved that they can’t because they missed everything.
AG: Some of the reports are that the FBI had been given these warnings by Russian intelligence in terms of check these guys out. There are echoes of 9/11 in terms of different agencies not sharing information. From what I’ve seen and read, it was that the warning the FBI had been given had not been passed down from FBI to Boston or Massachusetts State Police, so they had no idea in terms of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan being potential people of interest to the FBI. There was a lack of communication from the FBI to the local police.
Mike: Let’s say there’s an MBI, not an FBI but an MBI, Massachusetts Bureau of Investigation. There may be such an entity for all I know. Wouldn’t it then be fair to say, just using Peter King’s example of the NYPD and its track record on stopping these sorts of attacks, wouldn’t it be fair to say then that if Massachusetts was handling its own security as a federal system and the Constitution would actually deem that it should, if Massachusetts were screening those who were its own citizens or applying for citizenship in Massachusetts and they had conducted the interview, is there a better chance that MBI would have shared it with BPD, Boston Police Department? I think that there is. Who would have the authority to act on it, either the Massachusetts State Police or the Boston Police or whatever county that is? The point is that the law enforcement should not come from and it’s ill-conceived that law enforcement like this would come from a federal source. It ought to always come from either a state or a local source. Those are the people that know. They are the ones that are going to act directly with and on behalf of the citizenry. That’s how I view this particular circumstance. If we want to beef up our security, I say let’s do it, but let’s do it locally. Let’s do it where we can manage it. Let’s do it where the people that actually have to do the policing do the policing.
End Mike Church Show Transcript

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