Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep-Manliness Makes Is Making A Comeback!

todayApril 8, 2019 5


Veritas et Sapientia“A reference to the progress of the excise in England, will illustrate this insatiable construction. It commenced about a century past, and has since glided along until it has mingled its poison with almost every human enjoyment.Its ravages have already been extended to beer, ale, cyder, perry, metheglin, mead, strong water, aqua vitae, coffee, chocolate, tea, sherbet, bearibs [hearths], stoves, soldiers, sailors, annuities, pensions, stipends, serjeants at law, counselors…” – Argument on The Carriage Tax, John Taylor of Caroline County

Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: all of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, for complete rundowns of the show, visit the Mike Church Show audio blog on The CRUSADE Channel site, here.

Who Is Mike Church? Mike Church is the most aggressive yet charming promoter of using radio and TV media to restore Christian Order and promote God, Family and Country, on daily talk-radio & TV, in the U.S. today. Using his razor sharp wit and broadcast skills honed through 26 years in the business, there’s simply no other voice as unique and effective as Mike’s in all of broadcasting. Read the entire Mike Church Story as told by internationally renowned author Christopher Ferrara, a regular guest on The Mike Church Show, here.

The Mike Church Show has moved to our new time slot of NOON-3:00pmish east! Emphasis on the ish, join me today for free!

Join the Founders Pass Today and never miss a minute of the Mike Church Show ever again!


Chivalry And Manly Men Are Making A Comeback

I hope you will consider attending the Conference on Raising Chivalrous Young Men because the restoration of Chivalry is a decades long project whose work must begin now. Paul Brian throws his editorial weight behind the project here with How The West Can Save Masculinity.

As men labor and earn money, they need to feel like more than just numbers. It is not just automation and deindustrialization that are bringing men down; it is the way that materialism and impersonal profit have come to dominate everything, subsuming community life and family.

Brian makes some much needed sense when he catalogues what has gone wrong in our descent into macho trucks driven by soy boy culture.

What has changed is not so much the shortcomings of men but the technology that is allowing larger numbers of them not to develop positive masculine qualities that simply had to be developed 100 years ago to survive. Necessity is not only the mother of invention; it is also in many ways the mother of real men.

This is what I mean when I advocate for vocations over careers and for men to lead the way in not only advocating but also laboring in those vocations. Make plans to attend our Conference on Chivalry or signup to listen online and download the talks as well.

Come meet Mike Church, Joseph Pearce, GC Dilsaver and Brother Andre Marie at the world’s FIRST, Conference on Chivalry!

The Blessed Sacrament, Brought To You By Bunny Bread™ And Welch’s

You just have to think that Our Lord’s heart is broken over this ridiculous blasphemy.

Rod Dreher thinks this is nothing more than people making a “worship… choice” and refuses to distinguish between mega-church “communion” and The Real Presence Thing that is served from the altar of every Catholic Church on Earth and has since Pentacost; this is where we’re at folks: self-serve “communion” to buy that Stairway To Heaven. What’s next, the Pillsbury Dough Priest? just pop and bake and BAM! instant salvation. Most priests are trained for at least 6 years before ordination to have their hands consecrated and learn the Sacrament of Holy Communion I know some who trained 12 years before ordination, there’s a reason for this training and discipline: the priest is bringing God’s Real Presence onto the altar and into The Host, which is why its called a Host and not a slice of Bunny Bread™; good grief. Father Leonard Feeney, in his must-read, Bread of Life book makes the following point and Father does not mince his words.

When you say to a man, “Do you believe in the Body, Blood. Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist?” and he says, “No,” you should know that you are not speaking to a Christian. Many Anglicans, may I say, have told me that they believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Eucharist. Now, you figure that out for yourselves! Do they? No, they certainly do not! Imagine believing in the Holy Eucharist, and not keeping It under the guardianship of our Holy Father the Pope, in the Catholic Church! A student from the Episcopal Theological School, here in Cambridge, came to see me not long ago. “I think I believe in the Blessed Eucharist,” he said. “Oh, no, you don’t!” I answered. “How could you possibly believe in the Blessed Eucharist and stay in the Anglican Church, a church which kept the Blessed Eucharist away from its people for three hundred years?”

Pray for these poor misguided souls and the “pastor” who is leading them over that cliff we hear about all the time.

They’ve Brought Hell To Every Public Institution Now Socialists Want Our Charity

John Horvat has a warning for those not paying attention: the Socialists are coming and they are gaining ground.

Socialists also hate charity because it creates receivers of aid. Socialists hate the idea of contingency. They cannot bear the idea of people accepting gifts from others because they believe the needy are always victims of injustice. The poor can never be the victims of misfortunes, disasters, or their vices. Thus, socialists believe charity humiliates the poor who are forced to ask for what is rightfully theirs. Private charity perpetuates the structures of poverty. The poor must demand the fruits of another’s successes as a right not as a gift.

Horvat also quotes arch-demon masking as a man, Bernie Sanders, from a 1981 NYT interview.

“I don’t believe in charities… believe in the fundamental concepts on which charities are based and contend that government, rather than charity organizations, should take over responsibility for charity programs.”

So have Congress run Little Sisters of The Poor-one of the few worthwhile charities-and what could possibly go wrong? Most governments can’t even run a buffet line much less a charity but that’s not what this is about, its about eliminating charity which the Gospels tell us begins in the home and that’s the socialist’s ultimate aim: your home.

California Wants You – And Your Toaster

In case they missed taxing your car battery, soda, pain pills, tires guns and pretty much anything else in your home or office, they’ve come back to finish the job. Recall what John Taylor of Caroline County said about the English once they gained the power to tax indirectly in An Argument On The Carriage Tax.

Its ravages have already been extended to beer, ale, cyder, perry, metheglin, mead, strong water, aqua vitae, coffee, chocolate, tea, sherbet, bearibs[hearths], stoves, soldiers, sailors, annuities, pensions, stipends, serjeants at law, counselors, advocates, physicians….

Read the rest in today’s Verita et Sapientia, here.

Its Fun When The Pretty People Lose!

Caitlan Flanagan has a 10 page long, complete smackdown of the elites involved in the college tuition for hire scandal and she is enjoying every moment of her tome’s construction.

Sweet Christ, vindication! How long has it been? Years? No, decades. If hope is the thing with feathers, I was a plucked bird. Long ago, I surrendered myself to the fact that the horrible, horrible private-school parents of Los Angeles would get away with their nastiness forever. But even before the molting, never in my wildest imaginings had I dared to dream that the arc of the moral universe could describe a 90-degree angle and smite down mine enemies with such a hammer fist of fire and fury that even I have had a moment of thinking, Could this be a bit too much?

Wowwwww! For 30 years this has been going on or at least for 30 years has Flanagan known it was going one; this gives some interesting grist for the mill that’s grinding down the MCU tainted “meritocracy” system we supposedly live in. It should be apparent by now to anyone with ears and eyes that there are two sets of rules for nearly every transaction under God: one set of rule for most of us and 1 set of rules for the elites who having commandeered the writing of the rules but here’s the rub. They commandeered the vehicle without asking the rest of us if they could or even granting us the courtesy that the coup was on!

It Had To Happen: The Tranny Assault Hits The Final 4

Will everyone who knows a student, professor, alumni or greenskeeper at Our Lady University (Notre Dame) please tell them that a school named explicitly for The Mother of The Redeemer deserves to be respected as such and not have her title attached to the following headline.

Its Not Separation of Church & State Its Church Protecting State From Screwing Up!

The headline reads Roughly Half the Electorate Views Christian Nationalism as a Threat. Really!? Why would that be? Well 3 guesses and the first 2 don’t count: TRUMP but beyond Don John of Manhattan’s baked in haters of all things him, this shows the wretched state of affairs in education and faith here in ‘Muricah.  This is just hysteria with no cause:

Rachel Laser, president of the nonpartisan Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which opposes religion dictating public policy, said Christian nationalism is a threat because it takes up “efforts to restrict the space for religious pluralism in the country and give special privileges to a narrow segment of white Christians in America.” 

For starters, anyone who uses race distinctions in their practice of Christianity is not practicing Christianity but rather the version G.K. Chesterton wrote was “never tried”; but don’t let that stop the anti-christ’s from assigning nazi tactics to Christians actually practicing The Faith, the antithesis to nazism.

Many experts say conservative leaders have — to varying degrees — embraced sentiments that run contrary to the Constitution’s call for separation of church and state, from the insistence on saying “Merry Christmas” to Trump’s campaign call for a ban on Muslims entering the country.

Now “Merry Christmas” is a nazi salute!? I’ve been warning you in this space about the rise of anti-christs and the chilling effect they plan on having over the remaining shreds of Christendom that are still publicly permissible. How long before you will hear woke SJW’s shunning people who say “goodbye” because they have discovered it is derived from “God be with ye”? We may as well beat them to the punch and restart these salutation’s use now! “Merry Christmas and God be with ye, madam”!

What Will Your State Do When FANG Tells It To Jump?

Its no secret that the latest acts of tyranny against Just and Moral revival aren’t coming from members of legislatures or even “the bench” but mostly from corporate ‘Muricah’s boardroom SJW’s. I’ve recently told the story of the supreme act of religious cowardice Mike Pence presided over in Indiana when that state volunteered to repeal then rewrite its own, much ballyhooed RFPA after Apple Computer, Wal-Mart and others threatened economic penalties such as refusing to hold conventions, open retail stores etc in the state. This is precisely the opposite of the way this should work, the state government is charged with making & enforcing laws that provide favorable climates for doing business, climates which must include moral behavior. Now comes the latest “woke” boardroom bullies, demanding that the Texas legislature change their “focus”.

Some of the world’s biggest companies are back to oppose a range of new Texas legislation they say is discriminatory, two years after Apple, Facebook and other Fortune 500 companies banded together with gay rights activists in defeating the state’s “bathroom bill” targeting transgender people. The corporate giants, which also include Google, Amazon, and IBM, joined Texas businesses and more than a dozen local chambers of commerce in a letter to lawmakers Wednesday urging the Republican-controlled Legislature to focus on other legislation. – emphasis mine, MC

Think about that. Legislatures are created by the sovereign people of a political entity, like a state, to serve the people that did the creatin’, not President Snow and the Umbrella Corporation based a thousand miles away but does some business inside the entity. The businesses should be extended the privilege of contracting commerce in the state, not demanding how the state’s bathroom signs are painted!

Errybody Knows Errything Has Become Another ‘Murican Black-Eye

Ever wonder, e.g.: “how in the Hades did Jack get a masters in rocket science when he can’t even make a paper airplane fly”? I have wondered and marveled at the stupidity of so many “experts” and “doctors” whose knowledge of their “career” is as deep as the useless standardized tests used to award the “honor”. Casey Chalk  has wondered the same thing.

The contemporary urge to offer ourselves self-congratulatory titles is more than a silly reflection of our own inflated egos. It is insulting to those few who actually deserve the monikers we so casually throw about. There are real theologians, historians, and economists out there doing the kind of academic work that elicits few accolades. They spend years of their lives mastering their disciplines, learning languages, and seeking to unearth and communicate some new unknown truth that will add, however slightly, to man’s body of knowledge. These people work slowly, often disappearing for years to study some sub-strata of their field, meticulously contemplating and recording their findings, engaging with every possible primary and secondary text. They write academic books intended for other serious students of the field that use technical language and ideas. For some two-bit popular author or white-collar professional with a hobby to claim their titles is to undermine the very purpose of the academy.

Read the whole thing and see who you know that is an “expert” but really isn’t.

“Chicago Elects A Lesbian Mayor…Next ‘Woke Slide, Please”

Ho-hum, this is so, 2001 for Chicago…

FANG Member, Google, Demand Expulsion of Any “Transphobia-Conservatives”

Google has formed a board to explore how they might proceed in developing new AI initiatives and has invited some Mordor-based “conservatives”, one of them being the leader of The Heritage Foundation Kay Coles James. The woke employees google employs are having NONE of this “transphobia” contaminating the diabolical, revolutionary bubble.

A group of employees calling itself Googlers Against Transphobia said in a post to the website Medium on Monday that by appointing Heritage’s president Kay Coles James to the council, Google is “making clear that its version of ‘ethics’ values proximity to power over the wellbeing of trans people, other LGBTQ people, and immigrants.”

The revolutionaries have begun a petition drive to drive Kay from the board, Rod Dreher explains.

But all of them believe that the fact that Kay James Cole doesn’t accept transgender ideology disqualifies her from offering opinion on anything — even things that have nothing to do with transgenderism…These are not shelf-stockers at the local Walmart. These are people working in an industry that has, and will continue to have, extraordinary influence over all of our lives, in ways we can barely conceive. And they think social and religious conservatives are so dangerous and disgusting that they should be erased from public life, and the discussions about this technology that is going to change the future of the human race.

Got that citizen? You will comply with the woke and agree with their every perverted thought or you will have nothing to do with the decisions being made that directly impact your daily life in this dystopia these same people have created.

Is Podcasting The Next Broadcast Medium To Be Gobbled Up & Turned Into A Netflix-Like Monopoly?

This is interesting.

The battle to be a big player in podcasting distribution, led globally by Apple, is intensifying with Google last June launching its own service and the BBC, one of the biggest producers in the world, launching the BBC Sounds platform. This week, it emerged that the BBC has pulled its podcasts from Google, accusing the Silicon Valley giant of directing people to its own service.

Read the whole thing and discover that podcasting is but another obscene, profit-making opportunity and is employing the talents of the diabolically useful idiots responsible for the current sewage that is offered as entertainment. Expect one to two major players to become dominant and those “podcasting” for the opportunity to tell good, true and beautiful tales will be squeezed out for the new-Disney smut peddlers for Beats users.

I Can Attest To The Uniqueness of Southern Living

There’s a cool piece at the American Conservative about The South, 90 years after “I’ll Take My Stand” was published. The author concludes that we may have surrendered 0ur agrarian lives for quasi industrial lives but there is still plenty to distinguish The South from the rest of ‘Muricah. I confess to not know anything about Southern funerals until now.

One thing that hasn’t changed is how Southerners do death. In a review of a book on Southern funerals, Reed remarks that “a genteel Southern funeral is not the time or place for innovation.” “Whether you’re talking about flower arrangements, hymns, liturgy, or funeral food, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do things, and the right way is usually pretty much the way it has always been done.” This includes making homemade mayonnaise to accompany the “tomato aspic God meant for it to go with,” though some traditions differ across denominations. Episcopalians “tend to drink after funerals…and often before, as well.” They will happily eat a “green-bean casserole with Campbell’s soup and onion rings,” but they would never bring one to a funeral. Methodists, on the other hand, “believe that to get into heaven you have to bring a covered dish.”

I love it! The piece is titled The Motley South and I am proud to participate in one its Motley events every year: The Hogs For The Cause Barbecue Festival. You can support my 10th anniversary efforts to raise funds for families that have children suffering pediatric brain cancers. The Barbacoa Brotherhood welcomes you in as a donor, auction participant or connoisseur of our award winning ribs and pulled pork, pay us a visit and support The Cause, today!

How Do KY Rednecks Wield Their ‘White Privilege’? They Don’t…

Andrew Sullivan is a talented writer who left the world of major media, to start his own media enterprise, then left the internet because of its increasing violence and corruption. Sullivan is now attending events and speaking on how the media/journalism/entertainment train has jumped the tracks and what might be done to put the choo-choo back on those tracks. He is NOT welcome to voice his views, and note, Sullivan is a very woke, out-of-the-closet homosexual, in Tinsel Town. The Hollywood Reporter recounts the event, yesterday.

[Sullivan] doubled down on his idea, saying: “Don’t tell them everything is good. That you deserve it and that you are all basically slaveholders under their skin blah, blah, blah, which is what Hollywood is saying to them every second of the day.” Those comments, which were met with audible gasps, set the stage for an immensely tense 20-minute panel which ended in Sullivan being shouted at by an audience member, prompting the moderator to step in and end the panel.

Mexico’s Socialist President Demands Spanish Restoration of Quetzy’lcuot’l, The Human Scarifice Demon, As “Hero”

You just can’t make this stuff up and the demons must be having champagne and caviar parties tonight.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has formally requested an apology from both Spanish King Felipe VI and Pope Francis for the Spanish conquest some 500 years ago. The letter cited massacres that took place during the Spanish conquests of the indigenous peoples of Mexico throughout the 16th century. He also referenced the imposition of the Catholic faith as well as the human rights abuses committed by forces acting on behalf of the Spanish crown. “The churches were built above the temples, our patriotic heroes were excommunicated,” he said speaking among the ruins of an ancient Mexican city in a video posted to his social media accounts. “We are going to reconcile but first we ask for forgiveness.”

To their credit, the Spanish have rejected the letter and its characterization of “Mexico’s heroes”, so memorably portrayed in Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto.

The Pronoun Police Have Come For Our Very Own Caroline Farrow

When I first met Caroline Farrow via telephone 3 weeks ago, I knew I had been blessed with a CRUSADER who would join our fight as we have waged it against objective denial of The Truth. The Spectator reports that Caroline…

Here we go again. Another woman is facing a police investigation – and potentially, a jail sentence — because she wrote things online about sex, gender and a person who changed gender.

So far, so familiar, but this tale has a significant feature. The woman is a journalist. A British police force is investigating a journalist over words that she published.

Caroline Farrow, 44, is the subject of an investigation by Surrey Police over tweets she sent referring to the adult child of Susie Green, head of Mermaids, a charity concerned with transgender children.

In the Soviet UK, it is now illegal, under penalty of being fined or imprisoned, to “misgender” someone meaning if a man is standing in front of you with a wig and pumps on but “identifies” as a woman and you call him S’sir” the law is on his side to force you to deny what your eyes, and God’s reality says. “The demons are ascendent, they’ve come for the children and they will not take no for an answer.”

Available in The Founders Tradin’ Post, In-Stock! “Simply the best history of heroism and chivalry available for modern readers”-Mike Church

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing-How Saul Alinsky Ruined American Catholicism

Get a special, one day only sale price on Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing!

Check out my interview with the Father/Son filmmaking team behind Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing, Richard and Stephen Payne. The Payne’s boldly state:

This is no conspiracy theory! It’s the real story of Alinsky and his movement. It’s the classic teachings of the Church with insights from philosopher Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. (who as a Jesuit scholastic was trained in Alinskyian organizing), Fathers Glenn Sudano & Andrew Apostoli (co-founders with Fr. Benedict Groeschel of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal), Stephanie Block (who wrote the definitive 4 volume study of Alinskyian organizing). Actors play Alinsky, Popes St. John Paul II & Leo XIII, Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko & others.

We have made the entire interview available for FREE, please share it with friends and family today, its an important piece of work!

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.

“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”

Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered

Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!

It’s April 2019 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”


The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 29 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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