
Playboy Bails On The Porn They Began

todayOctober 20, 2015 7


Score = Sodom & Gomorrah 2137974, Modesty 0

Planned_Parenthood_GOD_t_shirt_DETAILMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Here’s the headline, “Playboy to Drop Nudity as Internet Fills Demand.”  Playboy Magazine is no longer going to feature photographs of naked women inside.  That is huge.  Ask me, Martin: Mike, why is that huge?”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  This is actually published late Monday evening.  Here’s the headline, “Playboy to Drop Nudity as Internet Fills Demand.”  Playboy Magazine is no longer going to feature photographs of naked women inside.  That is huge.  Ask me, Martin: Mike, why is that huge?

Caller Martin:  I’m losing the signal here.  I’m going to have to let you go.

Mike:  You can’t hear me?

Caller Martin:  The signal is breaking up.  I’m going to have to switch over to the satellite radio.

Mike:  Just take a deep breath.  I’ll do the rest.  As usual, Moe, Larry and Curly over there can’t talk, so I’ll ask myself: Mitter Church, Mitter Church, why is that the biggest story of the day?  Because it was already immodest and mortally sinful enough to have accepted existence of soft-core porn that was in Playboy, of the naked women.  And then the culture that came out of it with rock singers: I want to go to the Playboy Mansion.  All the other things that went along with it broke down moral standards, destroyed them, bludgeoned them into submission.  That’s not enough anymore.  You can’t just show the naked female form.

I would say to you that the manner in which Playboy the magazine presented the female form, it attempted — everyone is familiar with “they airbrushed all those.”  They probably did used to use an airbrush.  With the invention of Photoshop and digital desktop publishing, the airbrush is actually digital.  They call it an airbrush

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but it’s done inside the computer.  And they still do it.  Think for a moment: Why was the airbrushing done?  This is key to our little discussion here.  Again, I’m harkening back to a day when I used to be relied on to come in here and break stories like this and talk about them and try to seek some truth in them and discuss them.  Those were the days.  I’m going to continue in the brief amount of time that I have remaining.

What were they trying to do with the airbrush, gentlemen, ladies?  What were they trying to do?  They were trying to add beauty.  They were covering the blemish — you might say they were trying to pursue perfection, which is always prideful and always vain.  It’s not to say that it wasn’t sinful, but they were pursuing that because we use our eyes to take in the knowledge of the object.  It’s part of how we gain knowledge.  It’s also how, using our eyes, we would be able to take in the knowledge and then, using our intellect, determine whether or not something was beautiful or whether it was repulsive or ugly.  They were airbrushing the centerfolds and airbrushing the photographs they had to take the blemishes away and try to pursue — first of all, again, vanity, perfection, but also pursuing some beauty.

Folks, Playboy not publishing the nude photos anymore means that it is no longer the beauty of God’s created female form that is what playboy logomen desire or lesbians desire to see in their pornography.  It is now the most vile and vulgar — some may say that’s rather intimate to show it that close.  We don’t need to discuss it any more than that.  No, it’s rather vulgar.  Now the woman is no longer a woman.  Now, she is but a body part.  Now she is but a collection of cells.  Now she has been defined — ladies, are you happy now, sexual revolutionistas, members of Gal-Qaeda, men that went along with this?  You happy?  Our wives, our daughters have now been objectified to the point where the only thing we really care to see from them when we’re talking about their immodest presentation is that part that we used to be told we’re not to see.  Now it’s okay to see.  Now there’s not even a market for airbrushed beautiful women, not if you’re not going to show, you know.  That’s why that’s the biggest story of the day.

I ask you: What’s the one-up on that?  Where do you go from there?  It wasn’t bad enough that the mortally sinful, horrific display of photographed, naked women in Playboy Magazine, that wasn’t bad enough.  That wasn’t enough for the sexual revolutionistas.  What do you do to top what’s on display today?  The editor of Playboy was asked — listen to this. This is why this is the biggest story of the day.  By the way, Hugh Hefner is still alive to see what he has wrought.  Pray he repent, beg God’s mercy for what he set in motion or helped to set in motion.


Its executives admit that Playboy has been overtaken by the changes it pioneered. “That battle has been fought and won,” said Scott Flanders, the company’s chief executive. “You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so it’s just passé at this juncture.”

[end reading]

Mike:  In other words, the internet has now brought us face to face with the immodesty and vulgarity and despicable desires that have been cultivated for decades.  Now the subjection of women is just about complete.  It’s their bodies after all; they won them.  If you want to show that, you should.  To some men that’s not even enough.  Playboy is going to be run out of business because it’s not crude enough.  But don’t worry, we’re a moral people.  We’re going to right this ship, you just wait and see.  Yeah, I will wait and see.  I posted this story in today’s Pile of Prep if you want to read it.



Playboy’s circulation has dropped from 5.6 million in 1975 to about 800,000 now, according to the Alliance for Audited Media. Many of the magazines that followed it have disappeared. Though detailed figures are not kept for adult magazines, many of those that remain exist in severely diminished form, available mostly in specialist stores. Penthouse, perhaps the most famous Playboy competitor, responded to the threat from digital pornography by turning even more explicit. It never recovered. [Mike: That is quite a turn of events, is it not?]

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike

The magazine will adopt a cleaner, more modern style, said Mr. Jones, who as chief content officer also oversees its website. There will still be a Playmate of the Month, but the pictures will be “PG-13” and less produced — more like the racier sections of Instagram. “A little more accessible, a little more intimate,” he said. It is not yet decided whether there will still be a centerfold.

Its sex columnist, Mr. Jones said, will be a “sex-positive female,” writing enthusiastically about sex. And Playboy will continue its tradition of investigative journalism, in-depth interviews and fiction. The target audience, Mr. Flanders said, is young men who live in cities. “The difference between us and Vice,” he said, “is that we’re going after the guy with a job.”

[end reading]

Mike:  How do you like that?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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