affordable care act

80 Results / Page 4 of 9



Apathetic Sheeple, Ginned-Up Revolutionaries,… Welcome To America

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I think you would have a revolution in thought before you’d have a revolution in government, meaning you would know and you will know when a clamoring mass of people are agitated enough and in sufficient numbers to either demand a change or to effect a change as a result of that demand. People keep asking the same question, don’t they? Isn’t that interesting? […]

todayNovember 18, 2013 7


Interview With Kevin Gutzman On Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Yesterday, I’m sure you have seen some or all of the president’s wielding of his scepter at his press conference yesterday, asserting he was granting all these insurers and the states this power to alter their plans and basically I guess to ignore what is actually in the Affordable Care Act. I asked you in an email exchange: Is there any precedent for this? […]

todayNovember 15, 2013 10


WWFFD – What Would The Founding Fathers Do?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – When people are confronted with what seems to be no-win situations, and when they are confronted with the absoluteness of certain defeat, this is when some are inspired or are motivated to maybe do things and consider things that they had not considered before. Right now may be such a time. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayNovember 15, 2013 13


If You Think $680 Billion Budget Deficit Is Big, Just Wait For Obamacare To Be Added

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is just getting started, just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Where’s the money going to come from? Is this new woman, Janet Yellen, is she going to get in the Federal Reserve and crank out another $80 billion a month to pay for this? We have to keep the stock market going. You gotta feed the monkey, you know, man. Is she […]

todayNovember 14, 2013 4


The Constitution Is Dead, But We Do Have Three Remedies For Decentralizing Leviathan

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What I think I figured out is that the Obamacare act has so many of you so frustrated, politically frustrated, and since it has become nearly the singular cause célèbra of the “conservative movement,” and that there doesn’t seem to be a constitutional remedy to escape it. We’re not going to take it, but there are probably three constitutional remedies. Check out today’s transcript […]

todayNovember 14, 2013 10

Founders Television

THE END IS NIGH! Obamacare Will Destroy Us All!

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Some people seem to think that with the passage of Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) that the end of the world is coming, and coming soon! There seems to be an incredible despair out there... or at least on Facbook, Twitter, and other news shows. It's getting to where Obamacare is seriously affecting people's day to day lives, how they interact with […]

todayNovember 14, 2013 5


Military Charity For The Philippines – I Didn’t Authorize That Expenditure!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I heard today that the United States Marine Corps was on the ground, marshaling crowds about, handing out supplies and trying to fix these things. I did not authorize the United States military, I did not extend my sovereign sphere to authorize the military to do cleanup in the Philippines. I don’t want to be taxed for it. I don’t want to become an […]

todayNovember 12, 2013 5


Dr. David McKalip Talks About His Fight Against State-Rationed Healthcare AKA Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’m a leader in the Florida Medical Association. I go to the collective hive that is the AMA twice a year to battle against their policies. There was a question asked earlier: Where were the doctors? There weren’t many doctors, like myself, in Florida and others outside of medicine trying to stop Obamacare and warn the public. The AMA made Obamacare happen. I like […]

todayNovember 12, 2013 6


President Obama Actually Takes Some Responsibility For Obamacare Disaster

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’ll give the president credit on that one score that he did not throw Sebelius under the bus, back it up, and then run over her. He actually said: It’s my team. Give him props for the one instance there. It would have been very easy for him to say: Man, that was a mistake! I need to find out which staffer it was […]

todayNovember 11, 2013 10
