insert_link Daily Clip The People Grant Power, And The People Can Take Power Away Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – All authority is derived from the people. The only way Nanny Bloomberg can do the things he’s doing is if the people have entrusted him with a measure of their own sovereignty. This is a very good chance to teach the children out there a thing or two about republicanism and how things are supposed to work. Check out today’s audio and transcript for […] todayMarch 12, 2013 12
insert_link Transcripts H&R Block Is Ready To Profit On Medicaid Expansion Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - How are you ever going to vote people out of the office who continue the flow, and how are you going to vote people into office that promise to cut it off? I want to ask that question again loud and clear. Please explain to me how you are ever going to un-elect someone that promises to cut the flow of healthcare money, even […] todayJanuary 16, 2013 5
insert_link Founders Television The Affordable Care Act is What Interposition and Nullification was Created to Stop Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - The Affordable Care Act is real, in case you haven't been paying attention, so how do you stop it? Well, since the House holds the purse strings, and the bill was originally passed when the House was controlled by Congress and it's now controlled by Republicans, well maybe John Boehner and company will decide to simply not fund it. Another way would […] todayDecember 26, 2012 7
insert_link Daily Clip ObamaCare is Being Nullified by Governors Refusing to Open Exchanges Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - If the Feds cannot implement a plan to make use of our medical services, if they cannot implement a plan to take over and micromanage and manage our healthcare services, medical services, the medical services industry for all of us, what makes anyone think they can take over and manage our consumption of drugs for 314 million people? What makes you think […] todayDecember 11, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts Tax Pledge is Good; Politicians Will to Stop Spending is Bad Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I am also alarmed by these people that are running around calling themselves conservatives that are promoting the idea that for the republican Party to reclaim being a major political party and a winning national party, that they’re going to have to agree to raise tax rates on the wealthy, have to stop protecting the wealthy, do this and that and the other. That […] todayDecember 4, 2012 11
insert_link Daily Clip Nullification Based on Ratified Intent NOT Precedent Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - The Supreme Court also says the First Amendment was incorporated for use against the states and you can’t have prayers in schools if a local school board says they’re going to do it. Just because the SCOTUS says it doesn’t make it right. I would say I’ll take James Madison, John Taylor of Caroline and Thomas Jefferson’s word on it before I […] todayNovember 13, 2012 21
insert_link Transcripts Interview with Professor Randy Barnett on Obamacare Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - There were two things on the table in this lawsuit, that Congress put on the table, we didn’t put on the table. One was ObamaCare, which takes over a substantial portion of the American economy, puts government in control of our medical care, and fundamentally changes the relationship of the citizen to the government because they control our medical care. That’s the first key […] todayJune 29, 2012 17
insert_link Transcripts Interview with Brion McClanahan on Obamacare Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - So we have Professor Brion McClanahan on the Dude Maker Hotline with us. I started the program today by saying that at 10:10 a.m. yesterday morning, if you hadn’t already made the decision to get out, many people’s hearts, minds and souls decided that they wanted to get out, that they no longer wanted to be governed by this tyrannical monster that calls itself […] todayJune 29, 2012 24
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757