insert_link Transcripts The Ratchet Effect Is Alive And Growing Government Well The Growing Government and the Ratchet Effect Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The ratchet effect has done its job. And after it has completed all this, whatever agency, whatever act, whatever bureau, whatever series of regulators that has been employed to solve the crisis will never become unemployed. If you can imagine a crescent wrench, a ratchet crescent wrench, you can imagine you put the socket end on the bolt. […] todayApril 14, 2014 23
insert_link Transcripts GM Regulated By Fed Overlords Nanny State Polices Highways with Traffic Cams Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You have the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, the Federal Trade Commission. There are probably 150 agencies that are involved in regulating Detroit or regulating the automobile industry. Why didn’t you guys catch this? I thought this was your job. I thought living in the United States with the magisterial federal leviathan government ensured that no defective […] todayApril 8, 2014 4
insert_link Transcripts Stamp Acts, Back-up Cameras, And “Aid” To Ukraine Aid To The Ukraine When We Have Cities Like Detroit Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We hear oftentimes about Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty tossing a bunch of tea into Boston Harbor and about the horrors of the Stamp Act taxes and the horrors of the Townshend Acts and the Intolerable Acts and what have you. It is an article of American historical faith that the unbelievable tyranny […] todayApril 4, 2014 7
insert_link Transcripts Government Acts Like The Mob The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In the first hour I brought up that the latest tyranny from the executive, that’s President Obama, claiming he has the authority to raise the automobile mile-per-gallon standards. I didn’t fully explain this. This is a scam that was concocted back in the 1970s called CAFE, Corporate Average Fuel Economy." Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike […] todayFebruary 22, 2014 6
insert_link Transcripts The GM Bailout, What’s a $10.5 Billion Fleecing Between Friends!? "The story is “The taxpayer loss on the GM bailout is $10.5 billion,” mere chump change, I know, when we’re talking about budget deficits of $1.5 trillion three years ago and $700 billion this year. What’s $10.5 billion between friends, right? " todayDecember 11, 2013 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757