big government

192 Results / Page 7 of 22



Christopher Ferrara – Religious Bigotry Is Enforced By The State

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Chris Ferrara is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  There’s another part of that democracy plus one.  Not only is it dangerous because you have the ability to change law, with 50 percent of the population plus one, and as you point out, 50 percent of the population minus one will get to suffer.  You also have the ability, using democracy and using […]

todayJune 18, 2014 7

Daily Clip

Ferrara – Democracy Fail, How’s Taxation WITH Representation Working?

"When that idea [democracy] is introduced, you have coming into the political structure of a society this whole notion of representation, that government is a compact between the people and the government as established through their representatives. The great irony of representation is that over time it swallows up everything and destroys true liberty. If anybody doubts that, let me ask a simple question: How has taxation with representation worked […]

todayJune 16, 2014 22


T.H. Pickett

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We have seen just how a people who once prefaced their founding documents with a statement on the importance of domestic tranquility, i.e., the maintenance of existing relations, can be seduced by a contrary world view within the space of two centuries, so that they are led into a perpetual crusade to transform the world while supporting their government’s internal drive to implement a […]

todayJune 16, 2014 7



Liberty, the God That Failed – Part 1

Part 1 - Christopher Ferrara Interview "Liberty, the God That Failed" (original air date 11 Feb, 2014)   Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Some of you are going to have issues with this, and I think that’s why Mr. Ferrara needs to be a guest on programs like this.  Proverbial envelopes need to be pushed from time to time, although I don’t really think he’s pushing an enveloped, not forward […]

todayJune 16, 2014 57


Government Spending Never Stops Increasing

In The Right vs Left Game Nobody Wins Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I think what is partially responsible here for what seems to be this lack of momentum or lack of enthusiasm is that there was a crop of Tea Party-themed candidates that were sent to Mordor on the Potomac in 2010.  As we have bemoaned over and over and over again, despite a few notable exceptions, they […]

todayJune 12, 2014 9

Daily Clip

Conservative Leadership Cannot Form Because No One Wants To Be A Follower

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "When you hear the word “leadership” or “leader,” what do you think?  What does one thing when he hears the word “leader” or the term “leadership”?  What do you think?  You probably think politician.  I think at some level you’re partially correct.  I think most people tend to think of leaders and leadership as politics.  Why is that?  Well, Mike, that’s because we have so […]

todayJune 9, 2014 11

Daily Clip

Who Made FLOTUS Michelle Obama Food Czar?

The fact that the federal government of the United States has allowed an individual with a ceremonial, titular position, namely FLOTUS, First Lady of the United States, a position which does not exist, is not constitutionally ordained, and cannot be constitutionally ordained because what is it? It’s a title of nobility. Oh, but we have one, don’t we, brother? Yes, we do. We’ve had them since Eleanor Roosevelt. Hell, we’ve […]

todayMay 29, 2014 15


VA is Everyone’s Hospital Experience After Obamacare

VA Scandal and Your Next Hospital Visit Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There’s a story about these atrocities that are being discovered -- we talked about this in the last hour of yesterday’s show -- at these VA hospitals, especially the one in Phoenix and all the things that are occurring here.  Folks, this should not come as a surprise.  I’m surprised that people are surprised.  That doesn’t mean […]

todayMay 29, 2014 11


States Don’t Have Courage To Tell Feds To Pound Hemp

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So 8,000 years of recorded history and this is the zenith of our genius, permits and agencies that force citizens and farmers to jump through flaming hoops of non-hemp and fire in order to obtain a seed to perform one of the oldest acts known to mankind, agriculture."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Some of you […]

todayMay 19, 2014 6
