Bill Clinton

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Founders Television

Interview with Kevin Gutzman on History of Religion in Government

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast, Dr. Kevin Gutzman, author of "James Madison and the Making of America", joins Mike to discuss the history of religion and American Government. This is, of course, in the wake of the DNC kicking God to the curb last night. If you have a Founder's Pass you can listen to the entire show, where Mike talks about […]

todaySeptember 6, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

Condi Rice For Romney’s Veep? The Stupid Party Finds Another Harriet Meiers

Remember when W 43 nominated Harriet Meiers to be a SCOTUS justice and the "right" howled their disapproval? Let's see if DeceptiCONIA balks at Ms Iraq War Condeleeza Rice Kevin Gutzman: The current SCOTUS is just like the last SCOTUS using case law and not The Ratifiers Intent to divine what is constitutional Governor Sara Palin, has she now become a liability for the GOP and GOP women, you know-woah-owwwww!? […]

todayJuly 13, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

So Investors Will Sink Their Paper Notes in When BernYankMe Puts The Next Generations IOU’s In!?

Perverts: So "Investors" will sink their paper notes in when Bernyankme puts the next generations IOU's in!? Sick. "Global stocks extended their biggest rally of the year amid rising hopes of further market-boosting stimulus measures by policy makers, as Asian equities surged to their best gains for more than two months." NoCovery Summer: Gas consumption and petroleum use hit 20 year lows Bankrupted by Unions & Gubbmint employees: Two cities in CA decide […]

todayJune 7, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

WI Election: Banshee Woman & Union hacks OUT Fiscal Sanity IN

Walker Wins BIG in WI! - How many days before we see "Dear leader" chumming up to Union Bosses, reassuring them that their place at the Federal trough is secure Last train to Brokesville: Obama's budget busting spending spree is not an item that can be debated as this story and the attendant statistics show Dear Leader's Palace is working overtime (for the 1st time) cranking out propaganda responses for […]

todayJune 6, 2012 12

Pile Of Prep

Obama Doubles Down on Commercializing bin Laden Anniversary With Prime Time End Zone Dance

Not content to have Bill Clinton cut 3 minute long advermercials for the bin Laden touchdown dance, our Dear Leader parachutes into Baghram, Afghanistan to boast of his kill in prime-time Fox News poll shows nearly EIGHTY PER CENT of American sheople approve of getting out of Afghanistan now... is Governor Romney listening? VIDEO: OMSNBC asks smelly Occupier where he has been this winter, only to discover he was resting […]

todayMay 1, 2012 6
