Bill of Rights

56 Results / Page 1 of 7


The Mike Church Show

Madison’s Account of the Bill of Rights – by Kevin Gutzman

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The Bill of Rights is coming around at a time when Rhode Island and North Carolina are refusing to ratify. They’re still terrified of the new government. Do you really think the first ten amendments were put in there so the federal government could order the states about? It’s just ridiculous. Of course, I understand many of you have been bludgeoned over the head […]

todayMay 4, 2022 18


Does Your Vote Actually Matter?

What did Mason say about the Constitution? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Remember we started this whole conversation at the top of the program today with what?  A discussion of what?  Oligarchy.  There is no more democracy; there’s just oligarchy, meaning your vote doesn’t matter.  I want to reiterate this point as many times as I am able to today.  The authors conclude through empirical data, your, my, your […]

todayMay 12, 2016 6


Bill Of Rights Is Meant To Restrict The Feds, Not The States

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Bill of Rights was used and created to provide further safeguards for the states against the Feds, just in case the Feds got the bright idea that they wanted to try, as the vulgar phrase goes in 2013, take our guns away. The Second Amendment says: No, you can’t; you’re prohibited from doing it. That doesn’t mean the State of Illinois couldn’t do […]

todayDecember 15, 2015 33

Liberty Institute

Gov. Brownback Claims Toting Guns in Public Is A “Constitutional Right”, Too Bad He Didn’t Explain

[note, this publication is dedicated to all of the "you had a good show until you revealed you were Catholic and Stopped covering history and the Constitution-Midder Church".] Mandeville, LA - NRA boosters and DeceptiCONS will be chortling about Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signing a bill that will allow concealed carrying of guns without any permits. The bill is hailed a "second amendment victory" because it legalizes "constitutional carry". If only […]

todayNovember 22, 2015 5


Gutzman Interview Pt. I: Incorporation of 1st and 2nd Amendment is for Progressive Losers

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The lunatics from the Westboro Baptist Church were threatening to go protest and disrupt these people’s grieving ceremonies and funerals. Again, the incorporation doctrine would prevent the City of Newtown from calling an ad hoc meeting of their council and passing an ordinance that said you can’t, and if you do we’re going to have our police chief arrest you. Of course, some ACLU […]

todayAugust 27, 2015 15

Daily Clip

James Madison Disproves Incorporation Of Rights

The Big Bat Known As The Bill Of Rights Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "For this we have Madison’s speech on the day that he introduced the Bill of Rights.  Of course, he introduced the Bill of Rights because if he didn’t, Patrick Henry and George Mason and the Virginia Assembly were going to call for an Article V Amendment Convention, except they weren’t going to call for amendments.  […]

todayJune 17, 2015 11

Daily Clip

Texans Can’t Read The Bill Of Rights Either. Confederate License Plate Case Belongs In Austin Not DC

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –"What is really at issue here is not so much free speech as it is who controls minting the license plates.  It’s a logical fallacy to say that someone deciding not to produce something is an infringement of your right to speak.  No such complaint has been made.  You can say: I’m a proud member of the SCV.  No one is telling you that you […]

todayMarch 24, 2015 12


Incorporation Strikes Back

Blame Green Tip Bullet Ban on the NRA Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Every time I talk about bullets and guns and incorporating the Second Amendment, people get angry.  I’m not sure why anger is the response to truth.  Just because someone else has lied to you and has misled you does not mean that you should be angry at the person that’s trying to set the record straight.  I […]

todayMarch 10, 2015 5


Nomocratic View Of Constitution Is Essential To Amend Our Tyrannical Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, once you understand this, the sun is going to be brighter than you’ve ever seen it before.  Of course, you can then tweet me and use hashtag #liferuined because your life will be ruined [politically speaking].  You’ll look around and go: Man, nothing is the way it’s supposed to be!  Bingo. I cannot tell you how many thousands of emails, Facebook messages, tweets, text messages […]

todayJanuary 5, 2015 13
