
149 Results / Page 11 of 17



There Is No Santa Claus And There Is No Way To Achieve Political Unity Through “Religious Liberty”

Mandeville, LA - I am browsing my regular sites searching for good writing on the Orlando tragedy and lo and behold, this irreconcilable screed passed as a way forward at the Imaginative Conservative website: "Second, we need to recognize the constitutional responsibilities and freedoms regarding religion. America as a secular state is governed by the Constitution, which guarantees the right to private religious practice, expression, and association. This freedom is […]

todayJune 14, 2016 4

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Pope Leo XIII “The Warfare of Prayer”

Mandeville, LA - [The time is upon us for what beloved Leo calls "the warfare of prayer" and this warfare must take place in public. The martyrology and our veneration of martyrs, crowned specifically for their public annunciation of Faith, humbly seeking the Blessings of God and His Church, requires our prayer for the Fortitude of this public witness. - Mike Church] "Everyone knows how necessary prayer is for all […]

todayJune 3, 2016 3


Reason 442,666 To Withdraw All Christian Children From Public Schools: Prayer Nazis

Mandeville, LA - Every year there is a high-shcool football game, bake sale or commencement ceremony that riles up a controversy simply by giving thanks to Almighty God for the success of the students and their futures. This year instead of "risking" burning the tender ears of heretics, apostates and the obsessed, a Pottsgrove PA High School will ban, a priori, a benediction prayer before the graduation ceremony because ONE […]

todayJune 2, 2016 10


The Latin Word For Loving Your Country is Patriam, The English Word For Pardoning Your Country’s Use of Nukes is Propagandized

Mandeville, LA - Every year around this time the flag waving, bomb bomb bomb, kill kill kill army suits up in flag adorned baseball caps and t-shirts to continue the 71 year old gloat of the United State's vaporization of the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you are in that number and already boiling with rage that another "liberal, America-hater" is about to unload another attack against patriotism, […]

todayMay 29, 2016 12


Are You A Christian Gentleman? Time To Man Up And Take on Mammon & His Transgendered Horde

Mandeville, LA - Cardinal Burke delivered an exhortation to the properly catechized faithful, denouncing Amoris Lætitia in spirit and pleading with the laity of the Church militant to learn then repeat the Catholicism of the early martyrs. Quoting Father John Hardon Cardinal Burke exhorted: Catholicism is in the throes of the worst crisis in its entire history. Unless true and loyal Catholics have the zeal and the spirit of the […]

todayMay 15, 2016 9


Veritas et Sapientia-How The Martyrdom of St Thomas Beckett Saved Catholicity In England

Mandeville, LA - "The Two Swords debate was a dispute between two types of rulers about which one had supreme power. But the best-selling book of the twelfth century, Policraticus, transcended the dispute, by arguing that the fundamental question was not who had supreme power, but instead what were the people’s remedies when any ruler exceeded his rightful powers or failed to perform his duties. The book was written by […]

todayMay 13, 2016 16


The GayStapo Is Winning Hearts & Minds, Martyrdom Is Here, Folks

The GayStapo's Recruiting Is Winning Over Alleged Christians & "Conservatives", The Martyrdom Is On The Steps Of The Narthex Folks Mandeville, LA -  I have been warning of the coming martyrdom for months now and as it becomes a prophecy fulfilled the question must be asked: what are we going to do about it. The Ft Worth TX School district has ordered the thought police into action to secure the compliance […]

todayMay 11, 2016 14
