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You Don’t Like Being Told What To Do, So Why Would Russia?

If You Don't Like Being Harassed By Mordor 800 Miles Away, How Do You Think Russians, 8,000 Miles Away Feel? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Now we have to go to the far corners of the earth, all the way to Russia, to find someone that recognizes the age-old practice of achieving some political victories and some political sovereignty, especially for people who think and act alike and want […]

todayMarch 20, 2014 14


Toe The Status Quo Line – “They Hate Us For Our Freedoms”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – When you first started, you say we, us, we’re the infidels, we export this and that and they hate us for our way of life, and all the other things we’ve heard. I simply tried to ascertain whether or not anyone else was hated to our degree because of their religious fervor. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayApril 24, 2013 65


Congress – Pushing The Drug Of Politics Onto Everything

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You see, folks, we’re political animals. Everything that happened generates a political response. This is the crux of Buchanan’s argument that I wanted to bring up today. There is nothing that can happen that’s newsworthy that does not generate a political response, meaning the urge by Chuck Schumers of the world, the urge by Peter Kings and Lindsey Grahams of the world to jump […]

todayApril 23, 2013 14
