
110 Results / Page 8 of 13



Our Political Derailment

Our Politics Are Off The Tracks Because The Moral Train Has No Sight Of Those Tracks Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Many people think, and have based their entire adult political lives on the proposition that the Republican Party is where social conservatives and social conservatism has a home, and this is how we’re going to “take the country back.”  To the Dude Maker Hotline, this is our friend, author […]

todayMarch 14, 2015 14

Daily Clip

“Catholic” Jeb Bush Waves White Flag To Rainbow Flag Marriages

The GOP Is No Home For Christians Any Longer Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I can still remember, when the court challenge was up for Proposition 8, Ken Mehlman showing up on television, on the Clinton News Network, with Rob Reiner, the famous liberal.  This is your Republican Party at work, by the bye.  People ask me: Why aren’t you a Republican anymore?  I’m still registered as one.  As Ronald […]

todayMarch 5, 2015 5

Daily Clip

How To Defeat ISIS – With Guns And Ammo VIZ Biceps Wielding Rosaries

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "On October 7, 1751, a great victory over the mighty Turkish fleet [Mike: That was the Muslim Turkish fleet, think ISIS on boats.] was won by Catholic naval forces primarily from Spain, Venice and Genoa under the command of Don Juan of Austria. It was the last battle at sea between “oared” ships, which featured the most powerful navy in the world, a Moslem force with […]

todayMarch 4, 2015 11


Christopher Ferrara on Relinking America

Governing Authority Comes From But ONE Sacred Source Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - "The Fundamental question, which you've been touching on this show, and it's a radical question, it's a frightening question to a lot of people, is:  Where do we go for advice on moral issues, the moral issues of our time that are ripping this society apart?  Is there in fact an authority that is ultimately infallible […]

todayMarch 3, 2015 19



The Myth of “By The Bible Alone” or Solo Scriptura “Theology”

Mandeville, LA  - After today's discussion with Chris Ferrara on the myriad of moral problems facing the formerly Christian citizens of the United States who now live In the theocracy that FederalGovernmentistan has become with its totalitarian reign over matters of faith as we see in the latest State led action against a Christian who refuses to submit to and endorse the new homosexual orthodoxy. Mike, I was listening to your […]

todayFebruary 24, 2015 27

Daily Clip

Convert To Catholicism To Fight Muslims, Imams Are Our Enemy Not Popes

Interview with Andrew Bieszad on Who the Real Enemy Is Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Andrew Bieszad, I want to thank you again.  It’s always enlightening.  The book is Lions of the Faith: Saints, Blesseds, and Heroes of the Catholic Faith in the Struggle with Islam.  Allowing them in and welcoming them under this ridiculous notion, as Chris Ferrara and I talked of, that you can have this pluralistic society […]

todayFebruary 16, 2015 10


Ferrara – Obama Is Clueless, Crusades Were JUST Wars, No Comparison To ISIS

What does ISIS have in common with 11 century Christian Crusaders? Absolutely nothing. Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Mike: Obama said something that has started a bit of a controversy... He basically said that atrocities have been committed in the name of Christ, just like the Islamists have perverted their religion in the name of their God.  He gave as two examples, the Crusades and the Inquisition. Ferrara: The Crusades were a war […]

todayFebruary 10, 2015 9


What Is Required To Conquer Islam?

Chris Ferrara talks about Charlie Hebdo Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "When I say your listeners might be outraged it’s because we live in a time -- and you’re exploring this in your show week after week – in which people have just lost sight of common sense.  One of the common sense things they’ve lost sight of is that the idea of censoring certain speech has actually never been […]

todayJanuary 16, 2015 17


How Protestants And Catholics Can Reconcile To Fight Jihad

Finding Common Ground for ONE Evil Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "It was about 66 years after the crucifixion that he was asked to writeThe Gospel According to John.  His response to the priest and the friars that had asked him to do it, his response was: I’ll tell you what.  I remember most of the story.  I’d like to get it all completely, though, and I can’t do this.  […]

todayJanuary 15, 2015 5
