
110 Results / Page 9 of 13



Bieszad – How Catholic Europe Struggled For 1,000 Years Against Islam

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Islam is a conquering religion.  Its purpose is to conquer and convert, if not by word then by sword.  People think Islam just wants to conquer by the sword and take over everything.  That’s actually not true.  Islam first tries to convert people by intermixing, interbreeding into the population, and by inspiring people to convert by saying Islam is so good, Islam is so great.  […]

todayJanuary 13, 2015 8


To Keep Christ In Christmas EXPECT Persecution And Be Thankful For It

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You should be happy about being attacked.  That means you’re doing something correct.  That means that the evil forces out there, that means the denizens of Beelzebub, that means that they smell it.  They smell that your soul is opening up and you’re receptive and welcoming.  Christ is moving in.  They don’t want Christ to move in.  So yes, they’re going to attack. You should be […]

todayDecember 22, 2014 7


Islamic Terrorism Is As Old As Islam Itself

Interview with Andrew Bieszad on Terrorism Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In your observation of what you have seen and what you have heard from ISIS, how Islamic are they or are they not?  Be as specific as you can, with the public beheadings and the ransacking of towns -- it doesn’t seem to matter who it is that lives in the towns -- along those lines."  Check out today’s […]

todayDecember 10, 2014 12


Andrew Bieszad – Islam, No Religion Of Peace, Religion For The Perverted

EDITOR'S NOTE: THIS TRANSCRIPT & INTERVIEW ORIGINALLY APPEARED ON 09 SEPTEMBER, 20143 Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We’ll introduce Andrew Bieszad to the Mike Church Show on the Dude Maker Hotline.  Andrew - "In the Quran, what happens is you can actually -- passages that were so-called “revealed” maybe five years ago -- by the way, this is in terms of absolute truth.  Passages defining dogmas of absolute truth are revealed.  […]

todayDecember 7, 2014 47


Ferrara – Elections Won’t Change Culture Where Truth Is Greeted With Anger And Violence

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The usual suspects are all out there doing cartwheels across parking lots and backflips and what have you and informing us on all the great things that they’re going to do with their new majorities.  The other usual suspects are lamenting the fact that they’ve lost political power, lost control of this, and lost control of that.  What I marvel at, Chris, for the “Christian” […]

todayNovember 6, 2014 4


Joseph Pearce – Saving Timeless Things Because They Are Timely

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "No, I was very anti-Christian, very anti-Catholic.  I was agnostic.  I was a Neo-Nazi.  I was very involved in the anti-Catholic terrorist organizations in Northern Ireland.  I went to prison twice.  No, I have a past, as they say. You either hide the skeleton in the closet and lock the closet and hope no one finds the key. Then you can rest in peace because you […]

todayOctober 22, 2014 17


Houston Gay Gestapo Strikes Preachers, Texas & Constitution To The Rescue

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, I told you that these people, that the radical nutjob homosexual crowd was not going to be satisfied with court orders ordering states to issue marriage licenses.  Remember, the ultimate goal of this is not the happiness of homosexuals.  There may be a few that have bought into their own propaganda.  That is not the goal of this.  This agenda is driven to eliminate […]

todayOctober 20, 2014 16


Chris Ferrara – Evil Has A Name And He’s Wreaking Havoc In US Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is a hard concept for people to grasp.  They will grasp, though, they will pay top dollar to go watch movies made by Hollywood so they can be scared of this entity, and they are, and they believe it to exist.  They have no problems using Ouija boards.  They foolishly believe they are conjuring up the dead when they’re monkeying around with their Ouija […]

todayOctober 14, 2014 17


How Did Homosexuals Win The Marriage Debate? Why, With Commie Help, Of Course!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The first thing that had to occur [for homosexual marriage to come about] is there had to be a movement that was willing to and would have the courage to assail the Western civilization status quo.  That was that divorces were things that were not advisable.  Society had determined, the husband and wife, for the sake of the family and of the home, that they should […]

todayOctober 9, 2014 16
