claes ryn

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The Rich Get Richer, The Elite More Powerful, So What Do The Rest Of Us Get?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you really want a solution, if you’re really looking for a radical way to deal with this latest scandal, instead of screaming and hollering at Obama and the IRS, which you’re going to do anyway. You’re always going to protest mightily against a tax collection agency. If you really want something to sink your teeth into, ask the question of why. Why was […]

todayMay 16, 2013 9

Pile Of Prep

I’ll Take “Fake Conservatives” For $1000, Alex. What Are DeceptiCons, NeoCons, and Jacobins?

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the IRS, Tea Party tyranny plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "The word 'empire' does not yet have the right ring in American ears, so the new Jacobins try not to appear too grasping. But even when feigning modesty the will to dominate has difficulty keeping up appearances […]

todayMay 16, 2013 7


Are You Political Or Politicized?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We always think of things in terms of politics. Everything is political, especially when you are doing talk radio. You’re supposed to be all political all the time. There’s no room for the philosophical. There’s no room for the intellectual. By the by, the intellectual is separable from the political. The two are not joined at the hip. Check out today’s transcript for the […]

todayMarch 26, 2013 29

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Your Daily Dose Of “Mike, Why Do You Hate Your Country by Not Endorsing Romney!?”

Mandeville, LA - Now I am accused of hating my country because I wish it to stop killing innocent people the world over!? I am also supposed to "do as others in my field have done" and get with "bringing our Government back to the people"!? By doing what!? Endorsing fools who gave us the NDAA, Patriot Act and Domestic drone use? The "my country, good or bad" (see Cales Ryn) […]

todayOctober 23, 2012 6


Claes Ryn – Jacobinism is America’s Religion Thanks to Decepticons

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Claes Ryn is a professor of history at Catholic University in D.C. He’s been on the show before. He is well versed in American history, brilliant man when it comes to the intellectual basis of what we call conservatism, and there is an intellectual basis for it, although these days it’s difficult to find, but it is out there. At one point in time, […]

todaySeptember 26, 2012 11

Daily Clip

Interview with Dr. Claes G. Ryn

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Check out Mike's interview with Dr. Claes G. Ryn from yesterday's show. They discuss numerous topics including the modern Conservative (or Neo-Con) and the classical Conservative. The full transcript is posted here for your reading pleasure as well as an audio highlight from the interview. Enjoy! Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  So let me start by asking, or just asking you […]

todayMarch 30, 2012 11
