Clyde Wilson

16 Results / Page 1 of 2



It’s Marx’s, Material World, We Are Just Stuck Living In It – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - The New York Times wants you to celebrate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx; this has Mike wondering when the countdown to the 200th birthday celebration of Adolf Hitler begins? Brother André Marie joins to discuss why the Amazon "Smile program" is an anti-Catholic, corporatist scheme to fund the diabolical SPLC. Mike demolishes the Louisiana Conference of Bishops plea to continue pubic funding of Catholic School lunches...WHAT!? […]

todayMay 4, 2018 29


It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary by Ilana Mercer

It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary © By ILANA Mercer If you strapped Bill Clinton to a polygraph (or some lie detector that can’t be fooled or shorted by the Clintons)—I suspect he, too, might confess to a preference for Vladimir Putin over Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton had been appropriately scathing, in 2008, about Obama’s mythical status in the media. A “fairy tale,” he called the current […]

todaySeptember 16, 2016 24


The REAL Story Of The Flag Under Which Slavery Flourished

The American Flag vs. The Confederate Flag Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I hope I’m making the point here that the American flag is as equally racist, if you’re going to make this accusation, as the rebel flag allegedly is.  I’m now using the 1841 Anti-Slavery League resolutions to flesh that point out.  If you want to start talking about ripping flags down and banning them, then let’s ban […]

todayJune 24, 2015 17

Daily Clip

Time For A Jeffersonian Rebellion

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - This Clip of The Day was originally aired and published on Jun 29,2012 and is part of the Founders Pass Flashback Collection. I’d like to share with the audience the thesis of my upcoming smash hit docudrama, wildly entertaining ride through the 1790’s and early part of the 19th Century called What Lincoln Killed: Episode I that will world premiere debut right here […]

todayJune 8, 2015 22

Daily Clip

Hey, “Conservatives”! We Have A Constitution FOR The United States, Not The Blob

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If there is one great error in the “conservative / Tea Party” movement, that’s it right there, this fiction that Washington and company belong on Mount Olympus, and that there was some kind of great religious, spiritual meeting of the minds.  The story of the Whiskey Rebellion, the story of Shays’ Rebellion, the stories of the rebellion over the Home Tax...Fries’ Rebellion tell a […]

todayMarch 25, 2015 10


Interview With Brion McClanahan – Abbeville, Lincoln, Roads, And The VA

Interview with Brion McClanahan (author of Forgotten Conservatives in American History) Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s talk about the Abbeville Institute for a moment or two.  I discussed a little bit of a recent essay that you posted up there at The Abbeville Review, which is, “Democracy, Liberty, Equality: Lincoln’s American Revolution.”  The subject that’s covered here -- we’re talking about the expansive power of the president when it […]

todayMay 28, 2014 21


Clyde Wilson’s Forlorn Hopes

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Professor Clyde Wilson, one of the brightest and most brilliant historian minds around today, has this blog post at Chronicles Magazine. I always enjoy Dr. Wilson’s little rants here. I thought I would share this one with you today because it’s appropriate, under the title “Forlorn Hopes.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayNovember 25, 2013 14

Pile Of Prep

My Dinner With Putin: When Russians Promote Peace You Live In Tyrannistan

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the facts you don't get in other media including Vladimir Putin making a mockery of the U.S. as "a force for good" with the historical perspective to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "I believe that history will record that we have made […]

todaySeptember 12, 2013
