
30 Results / Page 3 of 4



Student Loans Belong In The Market, Not The Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Once something becomes law, even if the Republican Party opposed it, they will ultimately find a way to make it their own, and it will then become a part of conservatism. Sure enough, student loans have now become part of a conservative policy in the House of Representin’, I guess. Members of the GOP are demanding that action be taken immediately to spare those […]

todayJuly 10, 2013 14


Will The Next Bailout Be The Trillion-Dollar Student Loan Debt?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Don’t forget, folks, the student loan debt is the largest debt owed on Earth. The only thing that trumps the outstanding student loan debt in the United States is the federal budget deficit or the national deficit. That is the only debt that exceeds student loans. There are over $1 trillion -- you can hear Dr. Evil saying it now in an Austin Powers […]

todayJuly 2, 2013 8


Would Vince Lombardi Have Thrown Objects At His Players?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Usually Andrew solicits my opinion; I’m going to solicit his opinion. I thought that one of the guys that wrote about “Just how angry do we need to get about a coach with anger issues,” I thought one of the writers in this -- there was a forum that The Atlantic held and they talked about this. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayApril 8, 2013 2


The Student Loan Bubble Is Not What Jefferson Had In Mind

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The largest bubble right now, the bubble that is about to burst and is bursting right now is the student loan bubble. There are almost $1 trillion worth of outstanding student loans right now. All that money was guaranteed by you and me, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, and was transferred into where? It came from the federal government and transferred into the coffers of […]

todayApril 4, 2013 10


The NCAA and College Athletics Is Big Business

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – LeBron never went to college. I would also ask the question: Who benefits by forcing some of these young people to go to college? If you listen to this show, you know an awful lot about what is not taught at universities, which is classical liberal education, most universities anyway. What is the benefit from sending them to the school to start with? If […]

todayApril 4, 2013 10


University Is Unnecessary For The Majority

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - What is the purpose of university? I’m all for higher education that is directed towards occupation. Does that necessarily mean you have to go to a place and get a piece of paper, or do you go to a place where you can actually start learning and working in the craft and in the business? Check out today's transcript for the rest...

todayMarch 30, 2013 7

Daily Clip

Instead Of Learning From History, Today’s Youth Is Erasing It

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The bad of it is that they’re rejecting all of recorded history. They’re saying the people that came before them were a bunch of racist, hick hayseeds that aren’t worth our consideration. We need to cleanse the history books of them and learn from them because they were wrong. In other words, our foreparents aren’t to be admired; they’re to be relegated to the […]

todayFebruary 28, 2013 4


Student Loans – Bad Economic Policy But Big Business

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Big business loves big government. Big education is big business. Now you have the companies going: Don’t worry, dude, you just leave us alone and write these regulations that we want and we will make it a policy that someone has got to be going to one of your big education universities in order to become an intern for us. We’ll lock them out. […]

todayJanuary 30, 2013 5
