
61 Results / Page 6 of 7



NCAA Corrupting Universities With Semi-Pro Ball since 1970

The NCAA Has Corrupted Universities But Helped NFL, NBA Make Bank Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Isn’t that how everything in the government works?  You go from being “This is a great idea.  Let’s have a government.  They said it would be fun.  They said it would make everything equal and kids would get great educations.”  You go from the most lofty and high expectations, lofty aspirations and what […]

todayJanuary 29, 2014 7


Just Admit Defeat Already, Obamacare Should Be Reformed, Not Repealed

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – One of the things that we talk about here on this show that I think distinguishes it from others is that there is no partisan solution. First of all, the conservative does not believe there is a political solution to life. Let me repeat that. The conservative does not believe that there is a political solution to life’s problems. Life’s problems have to be […]

todayNovember 20, 2013 6


There’s A New King Of The Whopper Peddling His Obamacare Far And Wide

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – They know that if he were to say that he knew directly and went out and launched that site anyway,, and then lied and said he had no knowledge of this, of how bad it was, and that Ms. Sebelius didn’t have any knowledge of how bad it was, or whatever her latest excuse is -- he knows that that is a whopper […]

todayNovember 19, 2013 10


The Founding Fathers Weren’t Gods, And Neither Are Modern Politicians

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I wish it were a news flash, but it’s not a news flash that the welfare state has replaced the charity state and the little laboratories of philanthropy and democracy that de Tocqueville saw when he came here back in the 1820s and 1830s and wrote a book about it called Democracy in America. I think the experiment was doomed to fail as soon […]

todayNovember 14, 2013 7


2013 America Should Be More Like 1789 America

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I don’t think that having aged members of the United States Senate is, by definition, a bad thing. That’s why the age requirement to be a senator makes you five years older than you have to be to be a member of the House of Representin’. The framers did consider: What’s the difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate? It was debated […]

todaySeptember 11, 2013 23


Don’t “Fix” The Department Of Homeland Security, Abolish It!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Can you imagine living in 2013 and actually living to see the day that there is a tarpaulin thrown over the ash heap remains of a former ABC federal agency? Oh, the joy of seeing that, my friends. Oh, the bliss of seeing that. I can’t afford it, but I’m gonna go out and buy me a couple bottles of White Star champagne to […]

todayJuly 18, 2013 11


Big Government Will Always Act Like Big Government And You Can’t Control It

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – [r]epublicanism is a way of life, folks. It’s not a fad; it’s not a trend. Your forefathers practiced it, but alas, it seems just a bridge too far for the average hoi polloi American sheeple citizen these days. We defer to Mordor on almost everything it seems. As a matter of fact, we defer to it with such regularity, I often wonder why some […]

todayJune 12, 2013 13


Smaller Government Requires A Moral Society

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The only way that I know of that you can, in a foolproof manner, remove the impediment is to create the conditions under which people are ready to separate from the impediment. Separation is the ultimate end of the impediment. A separation from that leviathan guarantees, unless they decide to declare war on you a la Lincoln, that you then have to actually practice […]

todayMay 15, 2013 5

Daily Clip

Don’t Be Surprised When Politicians Act Like…Politicians

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is what you get when you don’t study history and when we think we’re just us and there was no history that came before us because we’re so arrogant and conceited. You do know that it was members of the Roman Senate, senators, that killed Julius Caesar, or at least assisted in it. You do know that a politician, a vice president and […]

todayApril 11, 2013 12
