
3 Results / Page 1 of 1



How Emily Killed Her Baby And Became Loved For It

Killing babies is the NEW "IT" thing. Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So I browse on over, at the behest of an intrepid member of the listening audience, to the Cosmo website,, which is filled with all the modern contrivances of the female freed from the shackles of childrearing and domestic roles, and experiencing all the wonders that comprise our modern world here.  Of course, that includes the […]

todayMay 8, 2014 11


Helen Gurley Brown Enslaved Women

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I want all you young ladies out there to stop what you’re doing right now.  This applies to you.  I want all of you to listen to this. There’s an obituary today.  Do you know who it’s for?  There’s a big one today.  It’s the original Carrie Bradshaw, the founding mother of Gal Qaeda.  What’s her name, Helen Gurley Brown.  This is the founding […]

todayAugust 14, 2012 24

Pile Of Prep

Living in the Era of Ron Paul

Spendora Galaxy to Obama/Biden, come in Obama/Biden...over.... acknowledge that the GM/Chrysler bailouts did NOT work, repeat the cost of the bailout has risen to $25 BILLION Moderators for the Presidential debates are announced, alas, Dr. Gutzman and I did not make the cut Oh noooo, Paul Ryan voted FOR the bailout of Chrysler/GM, well so much for having the ol' conservative-devotee and defender of the Constitution, upper hand VIDEO: Erskine Bowles […]

todayAugust 14, 2012 17
