17 Results / Page 1 of 2


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia – All Good Society’s Have Chivalrous Men

Mandeville, LA - The accident of King Richard's military genius and prestige gave England something which it kept for four hundred years, and without which it is incomprehensible throughout that period—the reputation of being in the very vanguard of chivalry. The great romances of the Round Table, the attachment of knighthood to the name of a British king, belong to this period. Richard was not only a knight but a troubadour; […]

todayFebruary 25, 2019 6


The Have Yourself a Mary Little Christmas Contest!

Mandeville, LA - Introducing The “Have Yourself A ‘Mary’ Little Christmas”, Christmas Giveaway! Our Mother Mary of Nazareth Doll And Prizes Giveaway.  The Grand Prize Winner Receives A Limited-edition, Mary of Nazareth Doll With All The Accessories including a Our Lady of Fatima outfit and book! Plus The Crusade Channel Is Kicking In: A Handmade Saint Therese of Lisieux Rosary from the Little Bayou Rosery; $300 To Spend In The Founders […]

todayNovember 24, 2018 5

CRUSADE channel

Jobs: We Want You! To Join The CRUSADE! What’s Your Vocation?

Mandeville, LA – The Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel wants YOU to get off the sidelines and into the fight by volunteering to join The CRUSADE. You can’t be a True CRUSADER from the comfort of sitting behind your keyboard fighting the SJW shaming wars. CRUSADING requires actual action, lots of prayer and a community to assist in formation. All of the positions listed below if pursued with fervor could lead […]

todayJune 25, 2018 5


He’s Baa-aaack! LISTEN NOW to The Mike Church Show Every Morning 5-11 AM, Here’s How

Mandeville, LA - You can now listen to the Mike Church Show fro FREE, every weekday morning from 05:00-11:00 a.m. You must be wondering, OK, so HOW do I listen to The Mike Church Show? Simply put, listen to Mike Church LIVE and his über cool, 24/7 Channel called CRUSADE the same way your kids listen to nearly all their music and watch their movies: TIP 1 - Download the […]

todayMay 29, 2018 13


Episode 431 – Iben Thranholm

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Cultural Marxism, also you and I have had several conversations where we both express an, I think, valid fear that Islamism is also on the rise, and that Marxism, cultural Marxism is certainly a departure away from the faith that kept Christendom free from Islamic takeover.  It’s not going to […]

todayApril 14, 2018 8


Mike Church Says Farewell To SiriusXM

The Mike Church Show Farewell Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Here it is a Tuesday.  What a Tuesday it shall be.  If you’re late to the party and don’t know the news, I will reiterate it for you in just a moment.  Let us for the final time here ask: What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?  I’ll try and tell you.  Check out […]

todayApril 14, 2018 64


An Open Letter To Mike Church Show Listeners: Please Keep Mike’s CRUSADE Going

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thus to keep our mission independent and funded beyond April 2nd of this year we must do one of three things... For 27 months now we have broadcast the CRUSADE Channel to a loyal and slowly growing listener base. In those 27 months we have learned how to build and run a world-class radio station after starting as a radio show. The channel now features […]

todayFebruary 14, 2018 12


Miracles Do Happen-I Don’t Think The Heavy Stuff’s Comin’ Down For Awhile Yet!

Mandeville, LA - Running the CRUSADE Channel radio station and Veritas Radio network network is the biggest challenge I've ever undertaken. EVER. Recently, the financial demands have become particularly burdensome just as the on-air and online product has peaked to its greatest status/ease of use since our launch. At every juncture when doom seems imminent, God provides a lift that nearly always comes out of nowhere.. totally unexpected. After our […]

todayJune 27, 2017 9


Our Lady And Ronald Reagan

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I want to play this clip from President Reagan that we played yesterday, because many of you did not have access to the app audio.  You might have listened to this in tape delay.  I think yesterday’s second hour of this program is probably one of the finest hours of broadcasting I’ve ever been a part of with Christopher Ferrara there and Michael Hichborn, […]

todayMay 26, 2017 10
