
71 Results / Page 4 of 8

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Middle Class Gets Hosed By The Sick Culture It Worships

Mandeville LA - American middle-class families have been a fixture on network TV from the Honeymooners of the 50’s to the Keatons in the 90’s... well from the 90’s on the definition of middle class and of family has been changing for the worse and one of those changes is standard of living. For the first time in almost a century the U.S. middle-class is falling to the rock bottom […]

todayApril 23, 2014 7

Founders Corner

What Kids Used To Read About George Washington

 Today's Children Would Not Understand Something Written in 1886. Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Wouldn’t it be a sign of a regenerating spirit of republicanism and of the primary things that kids ought to be learning as opposed to the compulsory things that we force them to learn -- this magazine, my point, is pitched to young people.  I just want to read the introduction to the story on […]

todayMarch 16, 2014 10


Government Acts Like The Mob

The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In the first hour I brought up that the latest tyranny from the executive, that’s President Obama, claiming he has the authority to raise the automobile mile-per-gallon standards.  I didn’t fully explain this.  This is a scam that was concocted back in the 1970s called CAFE, Corporate Average Fuel Economy."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike […]

todayFebruary 22, 2014 6

Declaration is God

Daily Clip

Mendenhall Essay Pt. II – The American Union Killed America

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Three months ago I contacted Pete Haworth, who runs  I had previously contacted the editors of two other conservative major publications, I think they’re major publications, and both turned me down.  Both said it wasn’t worth doing, doing this symposium on the utility and the value of continuing the current American union.  I think that’s because no one wants to touch this nuclear […]

todayFebruary 12, 2014 8


NCAA Corrupting Universities With Semi-Pro Ball since 1970

The NCAA Has Corrupted Universities But Helped NFL, NBA Make Bank Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Isn’t that how everything in the government works?  You go from being “This is a great idea.  Let’s have a government.  They said it would be fun.  They said it would make everything equal and kids would get great educations.”  You go from the most lofty and high expectations, lofty aspirations and what […]

todayJanuary 29, 2014 7


How The Beatles Didn’t Save Our Culture 50 Years Ago

"So Julia Roberts gets up there and says we’re all to be thankful because 50 years ago today we were all saved by the Beatles. They came here and they changed America. Her exact words were “They changed America.” They made it all better for us. Now look at our vainglorious culture here. Look at Pink hanging from the ceiling."

todayJanuary 28, 2014 11


The Education System Should Not Be Compulsory Or Public

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Number two, when we talk about the public school system, people perceive it and treat it as though the funding for it is a foregone conclusion and that it has always been that way. It hasn’t always been that way. Whether you have children in the school systems or not, you’re still required to fund it. The parents that have their children, even if […]

todaySeptember 23, 2013 6
