insert_link Pile Of Prep Election Day Prep-CRUSADER Knights “To Arms, Deus Vult!” Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2018 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Veritas et Sapientia - "Even after two thousand years of Eucharistic presence in my Church, I remain unknown, forgotten, forsaken, and treated […] todayNovember 6, 2018 15
insert_link Transcripts The Opportunity To Observe Upper American Hierarchy Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I’m reading from Thomas Frank, today’s Guardian UK. Thomas Frank is a very notable lib who is reading the Podesta / WikiLeaks emails with the same horror that you and I have read them with. These people call this politics as usual. What we should call it is corrupt, collusion, criminal activity that we don’t want anything to do with." Check out today’s transcript […] todayNovember 18, 2016 16
insert_link Catholicism It Is Election Day And Despair Is Not An Option, Just Ask Saint Catherine of Sienna Mandeville, LA - CITIZEN! There is nothing left to do but pray, fast, vote and keep vigil all day tomorrow. I am leaving the results in the Holy, capable hands of Our Lady of Fatima and her Son, Christ The King. Saint Catherine of Sienna was a mystic who had many visitations from Our Lord, who poured his Sacred Heart out to her in dialogues. This account deals with what too […] todayNovember 8, 2016 6
Pile Of Prep Wednesday Prep – After Trump, Conservative ‘Muricah Defeated By Poor Catechism Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). 20 Sapientia et Veritas -"By fulfilling their civic duties, «guided by a Christian conscience», in conformity with its values, the lay […] todayMay 4, 2016 4
Catholicism Mike Church Show – It’s The Corrupt, Immoral Capitalism, Stupid – FREE Preview Mandeville, LA - Mike Church talks about the Distributive system it's immoral, corrupt, evil and extremely idiotic. What do you need government for? What can government do, that God can do? Listen to the FULL hour and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE AWESOME BENEFITS OF JOINING THE VERITAS RADIO NETWORK REVOLUTION AND LISTENING TO THE NEW, MIKE CHURCH SHOW ON THE CRUSADE […] todayFebruary 22, 2016 5
insert_link Transcripts Proposing Change In Mordor GOP Candidates Proposing Reforming Mordor Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "First of all, we have the long-form audio from one of the responses last night at the candidate forum of sorts that was conducted at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. Senator Rubio, Senator Graham, Senator Paul, Senator Cruz all did not attend and instead sent their presentations via the studios at C-SPAN in Mordor on the Potomac so […] todayAugust 21, 2015 10
insert_link Daily Clip We Elect Presidents Not CEOs Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - This Clip of The Day was originally aired and published on May 22,2012 and is part of the Founders Pass Flashback Collection. The problem I have with the Romney as the businessman point of view and Tom Schatz’s editorial in the Washington Times, that “America needs a leader with proven private-sector experience,” is that private sector experience doesn’t do anything and doesn’t inform […] todayJune 8, 2015 9
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 26 February This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. In 1779 a letter was written to Thomas Paine, find out what it said in today's Founding Fathers History.... todayFebruary 26, 2015 15
Pile Of Prep Election Post Mortem Pile of Prep-“Conservatives” Control DC, DeceptiCONS Rise Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from Election Day 2014! Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Who was this Author? Most Protestants assumed the God watching over their country was the same one they worshiped on Sunday. But the ACR God was not trinitarian […] todayNovember 5, 2014 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757