insert_link Founders Television Third Parties A Crowd Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - In the 1852 presidential election, there were SIX parties, on the ticket, that you could vote for. Now, there's only two… and good luck getting a third party on the ballot as one of the other two parties will use their power and money to make sure they aren't. And what's the difference between the two parties? The capitalization of the letters: […] todaySeptember 12, 2012 4
insert_link Daily Clip Ron Paul Delegation Shafted in LA Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Romney is going to win the GOP nomination in Louisiana there's no doubt about that, but how he's going about it is going to upset a lot Ron Paul supporters and could very well cost him the general election. Check out today's Daily Clip for more... Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] On the eve of Saturday’s deadline, the Louisiana Republican Party Friday […] todayJuly 30, 2012 5
insert_link Church Doctrine Louisianans Can Restore Their Republic But ‘Dey Gotta Vote Louisianans Can Restore Their Republic But ‘Dey Gotta Vote ©2012 Mike Church There is an election going on this weekend in LA that few people know about and that is a shame. What turns the shame to an outrage is that this election has profound implications on how this state and maybe The Mobocracy we let pass for a union is governed, it is called the Louisiana Republican Caucus*. […] todayApril 25, 2012 6
insert_link Transcripts Is Ron Paul Wrong Occassionally? Yes Obama VS Reagan: A Voice in True Liberty Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Clay in Michigan next, Mike Church Show, Sirius XM Patriot Channel. Hello, Clay. Clay: I think that theres a lot of people that we should probably take out. But even so, you know, on the same tone, its like, you know, behind or you take down one Satan, and theres seven Satans ready to stand […] todayOctober 27, 2011 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757