insert_link Daily Clip How Can Neocons Defeat Iranians Without Defeating Their Buddies In Saudi Arabia, Too? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – " Senator Ayotte says to Senator Bomb-a-lot: 'After all these years of this ill-fitting alliance, the U.S. has demanded little in return.' But Kelly, the U.S. does get a lot in return. Senator Bomb-a-Lot and his buddies at Martin Marietta and Raytheon and General Dynamics and Boeing and all the rest of them, that’s who gets the return. By the way, all those companies I […] todayApril 20, 2015 15
insert_link Transcripts Iran, Neocons, And Bigotry Toward Catholics Interview with Patrick J. Buchanan Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to someone who knows far more about these issues than I ever will, and certainly is one of those great Americans that Sean Hannity likes to talk about all the time, my friend and yours, Patrick J. Buchanan. Welcome back." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church […] todayApril 13, 2015 8
insert_link Transcripts You Cannot START A War If It NEVER Ended Rand Paul Is NOT Starting A Civil War With DeceptiCON War Hawks 'Cause Their War With HIM Never Ended Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The reason I’m going to dabble in this story here is because I don’t think that the current evidence supports the statement here. Does he differ from the rest of the decepticon war hawks? Yes, he does. The difference is not trivial. I don’t view Senator […] todayApril 13, 2015 6
insert_link Transcripts James Madison’s Policy Vastly Different From War Hawks Today Dr. Gutzman Talks About Present Day War Hawks Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I want to go back to the discussion at the end of the last hour about the letter from the 47 senators and about the U.S. Senate’s newfound love for the limitation of the executive branch and what it ought to do. What I’m amused by is just the inconsistency." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. […] todayMarch 18, 2015 21
insert_link Transcripts Circus Auditions Commonly Known As CPAC Fake Conservatives Meet To Thrill Of Idiocracy Moviegoers Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Not only are they auditioning to be commander in chief so that children in the Twin Cities don’t have to face ISIS at shopping malls, we have to make sure that penguins in Antarctica don’t have to face ISIS as well. You’re not just leader of the United States; you’re leader of the planet. Folks, please, I […] todayMarch 13, 2015 6
insert_link Daily Clip Trifkovic: DeceptiCONs Reject History That Doesn’t Endorse Never Ending War Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "A rational American interest of policy would look at: How does it affect us? How does it affect the lives of Americans in Oklahoma and in Texas? Whose flag will fly over Kiev’s Independence Square does not matter one iota. Imposing this puritan ideology of exceptionalism is both, in Christian terms, heretical because it implies that God has chosen some nations over others and made […] todayMarch 11, 2015 20
Transcripts From Republicans With Love, Why DeceptiCONS Want War With Russia Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There was an agreement that was made in 1994 called the Budapest Memorandum. It was signed by three countries; United States, United Kingdom, and Russian Federation. What it did was it told the Ukrainians: Look, you’re a former Soviet republic. You’ve got some nukes there. Give the nukes up and we will grant to you certain concessions. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin […] todayFebruary 4, 2015 13
insert_link Interviews Kevin Gutzman – Crimea Vote Shows Stupidity Of McCain, Obama Threatens Russia Kevin Gutzman - Crimea Part I EDITOR'S NOTE: This piece was originally Published on: Mar 18, 2014 Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So the vote has transpired. Crimeans, by all accounts, have overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation. Of course, our first reaction to this, from the president, is: I’m not recognizing the vote because Crimea and Putin have violated the Ukrainian constitution, which I don’t know if they […] todayJanuary 15, 2015 10
insert_link Transcripts War Fever And American Communists It Doesn't Have To Be ALL War ALL The Time Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I reject this notion, because it’s false, that the only reason we’re having these discussions is because there are Islamic madmen cutting people’s heads off. The warmonger out there doesn’t care who the war is waged against. It doesn’t matter. We live in a military state today. Face it!" Check out today’s transcript for the […] todayOctober 16, 2014 10
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757