Transcripts Episode 349 – Trump, Brexit, Ruling Class Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Ladies and gentlemen, I can sum all this up without having to read the rest of Buchanan, although it’s good reading. The global elite cabal is much larger, more powerful, and a lot stronger than Donald J. Trump ever thought they were. They’re not going softly into that good night. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] To […] todayApril 14, 2018 5
insert_link Interviews Kevin Gutzman – Crimea Vote Shows Stupidity Of McCain, Obama Threatens Russia Kevin Gutzman - Crimea Part I EDITOR'S NOTE: This piece was originally Published on: Mar 18, 2014 Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So the vote has transpired. Crimeans, by all accounts, have overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation. Of course, our first reaction to this, from the president, is: I’m not recognizing the vote because Crimea and Putin have violated the Ukrainian constitution, which I don’t know if they […] todayJanuary 15, 2015 10
insert_link Daily Clip DeceptiCON Myths Destroyed: Neville Chamberlain Falsely Blamed For Appeasing Hitler Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I promised to get into this article here by Patrick J. Buchanan from 2008. Why would I resurrect something from 2008? Why would I do such a thing? Well, there are a couple reasons why. The primary reason why is because it keeps coming up, and now it’s reared its ugly head again. [mocking] 'Well, you and Ron Paul and your non-interventionist buddies, you’re gonna […] todayMarch 25, 2014 17
insert_link Interviews Gutzman Pt II – Crimea/Ukraine Insanity Kevin Gutzman on Crimea - Part II Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "When John Adams was in Amsterdam trying to borrow money from the Dutch, young John Quincy Adams was with him. I think he was about 15 or 16 at the time. Orders came from Congress that it was a desirable thing for the nascent united colonies of North America, the soon-to-be United States, it was a desirable thing […] todayMarch 19, 2014 13
insert_link Transcripts Secret Courts, Corporatism, Congress Run Amok – Welcome To Amurika! Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I want to take you now to the Guardian UK, the American online edition, Glenn Greenwald writing Friday, “Email service used by Edward Snowden shuts itself down, warns against using US-based companies.” The reputation of the United States continues to sink around the world, and that’s not my doing and it’s not Ron Paul’s doing, it’s not Lew Rockwell’s doing, and it’s not anyone […] todayAugust 13, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts Cost Of The Iraq War – Was It Worth It? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Chew on that for just a moment, $60 billion spent on reconstructing what we paid our military to blow up. Detroit, Michigan is in a state of disrepair but we’ve got $60 billion lying around or that we can borrow from the Chinese so we can rebuild what our military was paid to destroy. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayMarch 18, 2013 13
insert_link Transcripts This Is Not The United States Of Israel Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I find this disturbing, that members of the United States Senate seem to be in collusion with a foreign state to the degree that they are with the State of Israel. Where did this idea come from that we, in the United States, must bow down before the altar of any foreign land when we are choosing whether or not to appoint a secretary […] todayFebruary 21, 2013 33
insert_link Transcripts Michael Scheuer On Hagel, Syria, Mali And More Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - First thing first, you run You have had a hand and participated in the foreign policy affairs both as an agent for the federal government and now as a citizen on the outside trying to make sense of what they’re doing and trying to get them to stop some of the things. Your review, if you would quickly, on the round of hearings […] todayFebruary 4, 2013 12
insert_link Daily Clip Mike Preaches Non-Intervention To Those Addicted To US Military Action Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Do not agree with me. You need to agree with the truth and with the correct historical record (and what it says about US military interventions). That’s what I try to stand for and live up to. That is my measure. You’re not agreeing with me, unless we’re talking about matters of God and transcendency and what we ought to do next. You’re agreeing […] todayJanuary 30, 2013 15
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757