Founding Father

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Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

What It Meant To Be A Founding Father And [r]epublican

Mandeville, LA –This Clip of The Day was originally aired and published on Apr 10,2014 and is part of the Founders Pass Flashback Collection. Exclusive Transcript – "Taylor writes a series of letters to this Thomas Ritchie guy.  They get published in a pamphlet that is published under the title “Spirit of seventy-six.”  I am not kidding you.  If you’ve ever wondered why I named my movie about the Constitution’s […]

todayJuly 16, 2015 11


Handmade 1866 Edition Books From Founding Father Films Publishing

“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good book, must be intolerably stupid.” - Jane Austen   Mandeville, LA - Since I began publishing books 3 years ago my zeal for the endeavor has only grown. Prior to publishing I had begun collecting books, building a library and then something wonderful happened. I purchased a pair of beautiful, vintage books from a used book […]

todayFebruary 23, 2015 11


Founding Father Films Compleat Works- An Entire Day of History In One Pack

Mandeville, LA  - The complete works of Founding Father Films! This set includes every single documentary ever created by Mike Church. The Compleat set of Mike Church’s Original Audio (CD) & Video (DVD)features covering the founding fathers from 1765-1832! Total package will comprise of ALL 6 of Mike Church’s original , multi-disc documentaries! You can divide the package up amongst family members for individual gifts or you can give the complete […]

todayFebruary 12, 2015 15

From Mike Church's Spirit of '76

The Constitution

The Drunken Prophet/Founding Father Defined Our Voluntary Union in 1787

Mandeville, LA - When one hears the word "secession" today, images of Union soldiers, sanctimoniously mowing down regimented lines of Confederates pulling their slaves by iron chains to battle is demolished by Luther Martin in his tell-all to the MD House of Delegates on the occasion of that Delegate's return to MD with a Constitution instead of Amendments to the Articles of Confederation. Read Martin's description of WHAT makes a […]

todayNovember 17, 2014 10

This Day in Founder's History

This Day In Founding Fathers History – 17 July

This Day in Founding Fathers History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. Another birthday on this day in 1744, that of Elbridge Gerry. Gerry assumed the office of vice president under President Madison after George Clinton died in office, and Gerry too died in office less than two years later.

todayJuly 17, 2014 14

Founders Corner

David Hume, Scottish Founding Fathers & Early Promoters of [r]epublicanism

Mandeville, LA - Name the week of the year on a calendar and there is a good chance that Mike Church has brought up a man who inspired our founding fathers, David Hume and his "The Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth", on his Sirius/XM radio show or Founders TV show. Hume was an inspirational figure during the founding era and is well known to have inspired James Madison's views on […]

todayNovember 29, 2013 12

Project '76

Founders Pass September Special-Get a FREE Is Davis A Traitor Book!

Mandeville, LA - Did you know that the Mike Church Show studios, "Studio D", in Mandeville, LA, broadcast both the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM and Founders TV? Did you know that these studios are independent and responsible for their own expenses & maintenance? Without the generous support of Founders TV viewers and browsers, “Studio D” could not continue its current operations creating “Project ’76 Webisodes” and new feature […]

todayAugust 30, 2013 8

Founders Corner

An Actual Founding Father’s Inaugural Address – No Egos Here

Let me read to you how a Founding Father accepted his inauguration. This will come as a shock to you people, but I actually have here in my hands the text of Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address. Yes, even back then those old fuddy-duddy guys in white stockings and powdered wigs gave addresses when they were inaugurated. The striking thing about Jefferson’s inauguration is the humility and the humble attitude […]

todayJune 10, 2013 14
