insert_link Daily Clip How Trump Drove Everyone Crazy and Mary Finished The Off – The Mike Church Show Mandeville, La Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines6:18Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE6:24 Franklin Sanders interview yesterday from the True Money Show - it is now up in the On Demand StoreAbout the price of silver and when silver and gold cross a threshold. The crash is about to happen folks.6:53 HEADLINE: How religious groups voted in the midterm elections by Elizabeth Podrebarac Sciupac and Gregory A. […] todayNovember 8, 2018 9
insert_link Catholicism Permission to Die – The Story of The 16 Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne Permission to Die - The Story of The Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne Download Permission To Die, On-Demand, Here! Mandeville, LA – Mike Church narrates the epic tale of the ultimate sacrifice offered by 16 Carmelite nuns on 17 July, 1794, on the guillotine scaffold. "During the executions, no sounds could be heard save the sisters' singing Veni Creator Spiritus, their chorus reduced one by one, and the remorseless slicing of the […] todayJuly 27, 2018 17
insert_link Podcasts The Only Cavalry Coming Are Men Wearing Cassocks-Mike Church Show Mandeville, La - The final week of the Golden Truth Ticket sweepstakes and Mike is on a roll and ready to share what he learned in DC at the Academy of Philosophy & Letters conference: the elites are content with status quo and are not coming to the middle class's rescue, only good Catholic priests are. Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:25 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on […] todayJune 4, 2018 6
insert_link Transcripts Memo To NeoCONS – You Don’t Need A Nuke For Genocide, Ask The French Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Westermann, in command of the blues pursuing them westwards back into Brittany, ordered no quarter to be given. ‘The road to Laval is strewn with corpses’, reported one of his men, ‘Women, priests, monks, children, all have been put to death. I have spared nobody.’ Perhaps 10,000 died during this retreat. On 23 December, finally, the remnant of the Catholic and royal army turned to […] todayApril 28, 2015 16
insert_link Daily Clip Jefferson’s Creator Should Have Endowed Us With DUTIES Before Rights Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Change that sentence from the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self evident" and all the rest of history that follows it is altered. No one will be running around quoting about your duty to have an abortion. No one will be running around and talking about your duty to free speech. No one will be running around talking about your duty […] todayApril 28, 2015 5
insert_link Transcripts Indiana RFRA Battle Of Bunker Hill Won By The Rainbow Coats The Rainbow Coats Are Coming Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "As I have thought about this and tried to flesh these things out and provide some historical narrative here, when you run out of compromise, you have one of two choices. This is why I said the radical progressives wielding rainbow flags today are not much different than the Mohammedans." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church […] todayApril 16, 2015 10
insert_link Daily Clip The Expulsion Of Christianity From Moral Debate Is NOT A Constitution Issue Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What we are witnessing here in the United States today over the issue of what is called religious liberty is very similar to the events that transpired in France during the epoch known as the French Revolution. People refuse to believe this, refuse to acknowledge it. I suspect at the time there were many French that refused to believe and could not believe that the […] todayApril 7, 2015 7
Transcripts Christopher Ferrara on Relinking America Governing Authority Comes From But ONE Sacred Source Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - "The Fundamental question, which you've been touching on this show, and it's a radical question, it's a frightening question to a lot of people, is: Where do we go for advice on moral issues, the moral issues of our time that are ripping this society apart? Is there in fact an authority that is ultimately infallible […] todayMarch 3, 2015 19
insert_link Transcripts Congress Has The Duty To FIX Marriage By Fixing Federal Judges Are We Too Far Off The Right Path To Find It Again? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We have a story today about the State of Alabama saying to the Supreme Court of the United States, one judge standing up, being a man and being counted, being a Christian man and being counted, says: No, I am not going to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. I’m not going to do […] todayFebruary 26, 2015 13
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757