
115 Results / Page 5 of 13



Ted Cruz Could Learn From Rand Paul How To Be A Statesman And A Gentleman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There is something to be said in terms of your mannerisms, attitude, charisma. It’s something that I think Senator Paul does an amazing job with. I wish Cruz would take some cues from that. Just being so ardently supported by the 15, 20 percent of the people that like you doesn’t win you a presidential election in 2016. Check out today’s transcript for the […]

todayOctober 22, 2013 19


Beltway GOP Strategies Include Congressional Theater And Shooting Self In Foot

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Buchanan’s point of view, and this is pretty much the point of view that you have heard me enunciate or share with the audience over the last two weeks is that you were elected to do something. You have a moral and principled obligation to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayOctober 22, 2013 4


True Conservatives Aren’t Hurting The GOP Because The GOP Doesn’t Represent Them

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What she’s talking about is not conservative or conservatism. She’s talking about Republicanism. There is party mantra. There is party dogma that makes one a Republican. This is why the term RINO, Republican in name only is still so popular, [mocking] “We gotta get rid of them damn RINO Republicans” and why it is a problem. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayOctober 22, 2013 9


They Love It, They Love It Not – Republicans Need To Pick A Side On Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There are a lot more of the Ryans and Boehners and Cantors than there are of the Gohmerts, Amashes, and Massies. Legislatively speaking, you don’t have a leg to stand on. The other part of this is, and I’ve been pointing this out for the last two and a half years: Why are people like Paul Ryan and others running around saying they have […]

todayOctober 16, 2013 12


Obama Has Forgotten Gingrich And The Last Government Shutdown

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There’s President Obama out there saying [mocking] “Never before in history has anyone ever used leverage to try not to raise the debt ceiling.” Gingrich is out there I guess listening to this, raising his hand and saying: Um, excuse me, we did. In 1995 and 1996, we did. I have the email blast from former Speaker Gingrich. It was an interesting read. Check […]

todayOctober 10, 2013 6

Pile Of Prep

Is a Republican Surrender In “Government Shutdown” On Deck?

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Government Shutdown Factoids as a Republican Surrender is said to be on deck with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "They believed that laws were and ought to be educative, and insisted upon the centrality of virtue in a […]

todayOctober 10, 2013 6

Church Doctrine

The Statue of Liberty And A Line In the Sand

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - On 5 March, 1836 Colonel William Barrett Travis famously drew a line in the sand at the Alamo, asking for volunteers to cross the line with him and defend the fort or stand their ground and flee to safety. Of the 180 men gathered not one took the option to flee. Fast forward to today, 230 Congressmen have voted to “defund” the moral and […]

todayOctober 3, 2013 5


Raise The Minimum Wage, Destroy The Market

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Any wage control damages a market because it has an effect on the price mechanism. Wage is part of the price mechanism, too. Your ability as a businessperson to set the wage, this is part of the price mechanism. This is how you arrive at how much to sell the donut for. The labor cost, that goes into the price mechanism. Anytime the government […]

todaySeptember 2, 2013 21
