just war

22 Results / Page 2 of 3



How St. Francis Talked To Jihadis Without Blackwater Guards

        St. Francis of Assisi Spoke Christianity to the Sultan Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You’re not supposed to do this.  They’re jihadis.  They’re Muslims.  Find out where they are and kill them.  This is pretty boilerplate American thinking today.  I might add, this is pretty boilerplate Christian-American thinking today.  Why on earth would Francis of Assisi walk into the sultan’s camp, ask to see the sultan […]

todayMay 15, 2015 9


What Just War Theory Says About OUR Diabolical Interventions

Love For Neighbors Threatened By Violence Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Remember, the philosopher does what?  He looks for the ultimate cause.  The common man that doesn’t care about these things but likes to complain about them just looks for the immediate effect, for the accident of the cause.  Look for ultimate causes and you’ll be far better off.  You’ll be a better thinker is the point."  Check out today’s […]

todayApril 28, 2015 29


You Cannot START A War If It NEVER Ended

Rand Paul Is NOT Starting A Civil War With DeceptiCON War Hawks 'Cause Their War With HIM Never Ended Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The reason I’m going to dabble in this story here is because I don’t think that the current evidence supports the statement here.  Does he differ from the rest of the decepticon war hawks?  Yes, he does.  The difference is not trivial.  I don’t view Senator […]

todayApril 13, 2015 6


Converting All Muslims To Christianity

Most Surefire Way To Beat Jihad Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –"Pope Pius V sent a letter out begging the kings of the European countries to send men and fleets to stop the fleet, Ali Pasha’s fleet, to stop the Mohammedan fleet in the Mediterranean before it could circle back and come to Italy.  They did.  The victory was so total that the Mohammedan fleet was damaged for eternity."  Check […]

todayApril 1, 2015 5


American Exceptionalism and Unjust Wars

Mike Talks With Dr. Srdja Trifkovic Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Dr. Srdja Trifkovic is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us, live from Belgrade, Serbia.  You had written about how Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, doesn’t want any of these negotiations, doesn’t want a nuclear deal, certainly doesn’t want the United States and the P5 to enter into any sort of an arrangement with the Iranians.  Why […]

todayMarch 16, 2015 14


No President Obama, You Are NOT Correct

Obama's Take On Crusades Is Ignorant, Here's What Really Happened Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So we can dispense of one of the mythologies right there, that they were a search for gold and treasure, which is just absolute baloney.  That’s bunco history.  It’s not true.  Don’t believe it."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] Christians in the eleventh century were not paranoid […]

todayMarch 14, 2015 10

Daily Clip

The Lethal Meaning of Warmonger Slogans, Like “Boots On The Ground”

Dehumanizing Troops With "Boots On The Ground" Slogan Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I have talked about boots on the ground.  I used similar terminology to say: Is it a boot or is it a soldier whose foot is inside of a boot?  Joe, your instincts are marvelous, wonderful.  You’ve got a beautiful mind there.  You figured out, and they have figured out, that to say “boots on the ground” […]

todayMarch 10, 2015 7

Daily Clip

The ChiComs Don’t Justify The Behemoth Military Industrial Complex

The ChiComs Don't Justify The Behemoth Military Industrial Complex. Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "However, I also have read just a little bit of history, not much.  Maybe you’ve heard of it, perhaps.  I seem to recall – I had to go look this up – that before they were Chicoms, they were Chi dynasties.  The dynasties go back a long way.  2,100 BC is the Xia dynasty.  1,600 BC […]

todayMarch 10, 2015 9


Daily Clip

Mike’s Lenten Suggestion-Give Up America’s War Porn & Study The Crusades

Lenten Suggestion: Give Up War Porn And Study Secession Instead Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "By the bye, I also talked earlier today, for those of you that aren’t into Lent and don’t do it, I can give you a Lenten penance.  It’s not really a penance, but it is an experiment that you could do.  You could perform this any time of the year.  That would be trying to […]

todayFebruary 23, 2015 13
