
82 Results / Page 3 of 10



Lose The Ideology Labels To Gain Liberty’s Return

 Do Americans Actually Know What Socialism Is? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Michael Davis, writing at the Imaginative Conservative website.  Mr. Davis, we all know what socialism is.  We know it when we see it.  All you’ve got to do is go to Facebook on any given day.  The word is probably used 15 million times, usually by people on the “conservative” side of the argument.  They think traffic […]

todayJuly 15, 2014 9



Liberty, the God That Failed – Part 1

Part 1 - Christopher Ferrara Interview "Liberty, the God That Failed" (original air date 11 Feb, 2014)   Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Some of you are going to have issues with this, and I think that’s why Mr. Ferrara needs to be a guest on programs like this.  Proverbial envelopes need to be pushed from time to time, although I don’t really think he’s pushing an enveloped, not forward […]

todayJune 16, 2014 61


Founders Admitted Failure To Defend Spirit Of ’76 After Ratification Of Constitution

Did The Founders Get It 100% Perfect? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let me share something with you on the 237th anniversary of the bullet points of the Constitution being introduced in Federal Convention in 1787.  This is from Christopher Ferrara’s phenomenal book Liberty, the God That Failed, page 242, “The Founders’ Season of Regret – Things Fall Apart.”"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show […]

todayJune 2, 2014 13

Daily Clip

Caller Krystal: “God Wouldn’t Let Me Sleep After Choosing Abortion, So I Un-chose It”

Mandeville, LA - The strangest thing happened during the middle of this phone call. The electricity turned off for a split second, long enough to restart all my electronics and disconnect the broadcast feed to/from XM. That's not so strange but here is what is.  All of the computers used to broadcast and record the SiriusXM show are connected to battery backups in CASE a brownout occurs the batteries will […]

todayMay 6, 2014 17

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Hate Mail: Mike, Stop PRETENDING Like You Believe in Sanctifying Grace

Mandeville, LA - I don't ever recall being directly told to recant my fault-filled pursuit of Sanctifying Grace. Well, there's a first time for everything. I also never imagined in my wildest dreams that the subject of calling out someone for mocking and abusing Christian symbols, acts and Sacraments would emanate from "conservatives", giving me and hopefully many of you, all the more reason to either A. reclaim the term […]

todayApril 29, 2014 5

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Book Mike To Speak

Mike Church, Tea Party Express Speech-The Fraud of FEMA And Mary Landrieu

Biloxi MS - Mike took time from his schedule to meet up with new friends at the Tea Party Express as their tour rolled into downtown Biloxi, MS. On the way to introducing MS state senator Chris McDaniel, Mike explained why MS needs McDaniel as a U.S. Senator and used the example of the fraud & corruption perpetrated by FEMA at the behest of LA Senator Mary Landrieu. See Mike's […]

todayApril 24, 2014 9

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Tax Filing Day Helps Caesar Make War On We The People

Mandeville LA - Ben Franklin is rumored to have said “Nothing is certain but death and taxes” what he couldn’t have known is that our government today delays the former so it can collect more of the latter. Today is the official day of the financial genuflect we are all expected to make called Tax Filing Deadline Day. Through a twist of lunar fate Tax Day happens during Holy Week […]

todayApril 15, 2014 9

Trade conservatives for [r]epublica's

Vox de republica

Conservatives Can’t Surrender Ground They Never Defended

This essay and audio recording, written and recorded by: Mike Church ©2014. This work originally appeared at the Daily Caller and is presented in the unedited form Mr. Church submitted in. Mandeville, LA - Ross Douthat’s essay “The Terms of Our Surrender”, appeared in last Sunday’s New York Times and is a well written piece with one exception. The conservatives who ostensibly surrendered don’t appear to be conservative at all. […]

todayMarch 24, 2014 9
