louie gohmert

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Daily Clip

Obama & Demonic Netflix to ‘Murica’s Kids: “We’re BaaaAAAAack” – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:19 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:24 HEADLINE: Pence leaves open the possibility of nuclear weapons in space by Robert Costa AUDIO: National Security/Trump/Star Wars Right because Putin is hanging out thinking about nuking America. Pence added, "What we want to do is continue to advance the principle that peace comes through strength.” "Transformers: Space" […]

todayOctober 24, 2018 12


Louie Gohmert-Congressional Deceit

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Again, if you haven’t wrapped your mind around the fact, tell your Tea Party, your Trumpista, flag-waving friends, this is a deceitful act.  It is filled with all the garbage that Obamacare was filled with, it’s just filled with garbage that came from Republicans.  They’re going to have their fingerprints all over this if this monstrosity passes." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin […]

todayApril 7, 2017 8


The Grand Leviathan Chess Game Stars U.S. Citizens As Pawns

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I guess the point I’m trying to make by relaying to you what Fineman is writing here is that we are all but numbers in the grand elite game of chess that’s being played, with the grand prize being $3.8 trillion of other people’s money that these clowns in Washington, DC get to spend every year. It’s all neatly broken down for us now. […]

todayNovember 8, 2013 4


They Love It, They Love It Not – Republicans Need To Pick A Side On Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There are a lot more of the Ryans and Boehners and Cantors than there are of the Gohmerts, Amashes, and Massies. Legislatively speaking, you don’t have a leg to stand on. The other part of this is, and I’ve been pointing this out for the last two and a half years: Why are people like Paul Ryan and others running around saying they have […]

todayOctober 16, 2013 12


The Mike Church Plan To Get Us Out of Debt

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - You want to hear what the Church Plan is? Here’s how you fix this mess: we’re not going to agree to any tax increases; however, the American sheeple will agree that if the President and the Congress will agree to do the following, we will assist. We will all be good little patriots and we will all assist in one last-ditch effort, outside of […]

todayDecember 6, 2012 13
