mike church

224 Results / Page 18 of 25



The Mike Church Show Episode 406 Podcast: SEAL Team [tran]Sex[six] vs Trump

Mandeville, LA – The Brave New World Has Arrived - The monsters are coming the monsters are coming! Scientists in Portland Oregon have succeeded in actually altering the DNA composition of a human embryo using monster-making, God defying technology called CRISPR. This means that very soon, some apostates will open shop for "designer babies" free of freckles, height deficiencies, brown eyes and frequent ear infections. Aldus Huxley's Brave New World turns out to be […]

todayJuly 27, 2017 2


The Mike Church Show Episode 405 Podcast: DeceptiCONNED: Senate Votes For “Debate” Not A Repeal

Mandeville, LA – DeceptiCONNED: Senate Votes For “Debate” O Repeal of ObamaCare That’s Not A Repeal – 9 GOP Senators voted against the repeal and “replace” scheme the U.S. Senate has taken up in what is termed a “great victory” for President Trump and VP Pence. But wait, why am I supposed to start chanting USA! USA! when the Senate votes to start a debate that actually started in March 2009!? The fact is, folks, […]

todayJuly 26, 2017 6


The Mike Church Show Episode 404 Podcast: The Sad Death By Tyranny Of Charlie Gard

Charlie Gard, A Victim Of Death By Tyranny – Little Charlie Gard, barring a miracle we are praying for, will die of his congential heart condition when the life support he is attached to is removed. Gard’s death is going to be classified as “natural” but the truth is Gard is being sacrificed on the altar of the Tyranny of Democracy. That’s right, in a lethal attempt to conserve the “order” established […]

todayJuly 25, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 403 Podcast: Time To Come Out As A Member Of The QTGBL “Community”

Mandeville, LA – Finally, An Acronym Worth Becoming A Member Of: The QTBGL “Community” – The acronym QTBGL is one I had not heard of but am now proud to say I am a member and am “proudly” coming “out of the closet”. Though I may have to drop the “Q” from my embrace of this community I’m still all-in with my “Quietly Totally Believing God’s Law” brothers and sisters. Deacon Jim Russell […]

todayJuly 24, 2017 10


The Mike Church Show Episode 402 podcast: A “Day Without Christians”? Is Chaos.

Mandeville, LA – What If There Was A “Day Without Christians”? – This is a provocative thought: what if Christians in ‘Muricah allied themselves in a “Week Without Christianity” strike? Most ‘Muricans take for granted that all the charitable works performed by both organized and private Christians, performing works of Charity, are just going to continue regardless of whether people are thankful for them or not. Well, what IF that wasn’t the case […]

todayJuly 21, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 401 Podcast: Artful Advice: Contemplation Before Action, “Conservatives”!

Artful Advice: Contemplation Before Action, “Conservatives”! – On every Mike Church Show I try and find at least one news or culture item that promotes or is illustrative of The Good, true and The Beautiful. Author Gregory Wolfe reminds us to do the same or else risk the mantle of “conservative” itself. “While [our current cultural] state of affairs is distressing, it also implies that opportunities abound for conservatives—if they are […]

todayJuly 20, 2017 7


The Mike Church Show Episode 400 Podcast: “The Red Robots Are Coming! The Red Robots Are Coming!” Beware of Comm-p-unism

Mandeville, LA – Amazon’s Brave New World Doesn’t Include You – Theblinding pace of technological progress in the field of robotics is a marvel and a menace to behold. Kay Hymowitz puts this progress into stark, “warning, warning” words in the City Journal Magazine. I was especially intrigued by the following: “The many companies specializing in warehouse robots are already making ones that can lift cases off shelves. The machines need less space to get […]

todayJuly 19, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 399 Podcast: Will You Go Teen Vogue, Or Will You Go Carmelite?

Mandeville, LA – Will You Go Teen Vogue, Cosmo, Insert Murican Sex Apostasy Here, Or Will You Learn About Then Go Carmelite? – On this day in 1794, 16 beautiful French women were marched to the scaffold built around the Guillotine in Paris. The women were each singing, in Latin, the Veni Creator and were members of the Carmelite order of Compiegne. Their story is told by me in brief in today’s […]

todayJuly 17, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 398 podcast: Drone Amazon Has Arrived taking the box man’s job

Mandeville, LA – Peak Amazon Has Arrived – It is a telling sign when “investors” in the dubious “investment” vehicle known as a “hedge fund” announce that they are going bear market on you b ecause your business practices and sizes are straining ethical bonds and that is what has happened with Amazon. To add insult to injury, socialists in Congress like Bernie Sanders, are rattling regulation sabers as if they have an […]

todayJuly 14, 2017 4
