insert_link Daily Clip Wisdom Wednesday With David Simpson – G. K. Chesterton And Virtues Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – David: "But the misplacement was, he [G.K. Chesterton] says now we have humility in a heart, which makes you think your aims aren’t even good enough. I’m not even worth dreaming. I shouldn’t even dream this dream. He says that’s a misplacement of humility. If you can misplace humility of all things. Most people would think: I know my limitations, my inadequacies. I have a certain […] todayJanuary 16, 2015 9
insert_link Daily Clip Charlie Hebdo Relativism Is Identical To Islamism – What Force Then Will We Pray To For Victory? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What Mr. Mattei is saying here (about Charlie Hebdo) is that the moral relativism and the relativism of our day, which we are firmly and very proudly and belligerently and hubristically possessed of, cannot beat Islamism. It won’t do it. Just imagine a bunch of free speech advocate cartoonists taking to the war against the jihad. Inspired by what? Guided by what? Praying to what, […] todayJanuary 16, 2015 8
insert_link Daily Clip HBO Girls Is Indefensible Speech, Yet Americans Will Die To Protect This Perversity Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So the parents of this woman who wrote [ HBO GIRLS ] this and apparently filmed it and performed it were incapable of disapproval and instead offered their support and assistance on pulling off the unthinkable so it could go off without a hitch and be filmed and then be shown on HBO. For what purpose does this occur? There is no difference or little […] todayJanuary 16, 2015 14
insert_link Transcripts Augustine Can Be As Useful Today As He Was In 4th Century Has Augustine Become Irrelevant? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Our brothers and sisters out there, unfortunately not all of them are not brothers and sisters in Christ, but our brothers and sisters are corrupt. We’re corrupt. My pursuit of an upward flight, your pursuit of an upward flight, of animating your soul requires all of your effort, all of it, not some of it, all of it. This is why […] todayJanuary 8, 2015 7
insert_link Transcripts Obama Misses The Mark Guilt By Association NYPD Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Look at the contrast between the misguided, violent, wannabe rapper perpetrator and the very mild-mannered, tutored and mentored by father who is now dead of Officer Ramos. Look at the contrast there. What’s the difference between the perp and the surviving son? Probably the father." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: The definition of […] todayJanuary 7, 2015 11
insert_link Transcripts Chris Ferrara – Culture Of Death Promotes Lawlessness By Definition Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "To talk about the failure of government to put down a riot is to complain about an acute symptom that wasn’t properly suppressed. What about the underlying disease that government has promoted? There is in fact a culture of death in this country. Life is cheap under this regime. Women can destroy their children with government subsidies. When you authorize the mass destruction of life […] todayJanuary 5, 2015 11
insert_link Transcripts Catholic Marquette – Catholic In Name Only Silences Homosexual Marriage Opponents Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “Come on, Mike, get back to bashing Obama. This is not important.” This is the only thing that is important. Because you’re an opponent of homosexual marriage and you may be an opponent because of the teaching of the Church and the teaching of our Lord, and believing that not only are homosexuals committing mortal sin on their souls and are damned to go to […] todayDecember 22, 2014 3
insert_link Transcripts CIA’s Torture Values Resemble America’s Abortion Values If You Are Against Torture, Then You MUST Be Against Abortion Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So everyone is up in arms about the death of Michael Brown. All these protestors burning and robbing and looting. Then they’re all up in arms about the death of Eric Garner, again, rioting, robbing, looting, protesting, marching, etc., etc. We can’t have this horrible loss of life at the hands of the police. […] todayDecember 12, 2014 4
insert_link Transcripts Minnesota Transgender High School There Is No Distinction Between Sexes Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In other words, if you’ve got a bunch of girls that think they’re girls and they want to play high school football and they’re five foot, four and weigh 104 pounds, Bubba, who’s six foot, four and weighs 327 can tackle said girl and drive her into the ground like he would Tyrone, the all-star running back, or Fred, […] todayDecember 12, 2014 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757