
50 Results / Page 1 of 6



Trump and The WaPo – Whose Side Is Mitt Romney On?

By Patrick J. Buchanan If there is a more anti-Trump organ in the American establishment than The Washington Post, it does not readily come to mind. Hence, in choosing to send his op-ed attack on President Donald Trump to the Post, Mitt Romney was collaborating with an adversary of his party and his president. And he knew it, and the Post rewarded his collusion. “The president has not risen to […]

todayJanuary 7, 2019 8

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

USA Shills for “Zion” Term Corruption – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA, The Mike Church Show - Season 2, Episode 527. USA SHILLS FOR "ZION" TERM CORRUPTION The full US military might is used to protect & expand a nation 8000 miles away based on a term corrupted by the Scofield Bible How Do I Listen To The Mike Church Show, When It's Live? Click Here! | How Do I Listen To This Episode of The Mike Church Show? Click […]

todayFebruary 7, 2018 6


The Syrian People Praise Assad

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You know what, President Trump?  Maybe you should read all the UN resolutions, including the United Nations Charter of 1952, of which we are a ratified signatory to.  You know what it says?  You can’t make war on a member nation without a UN resolution."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  You know what, President Trump?  Maybe […]

todayApril 28, 2017 6

Founders Corner

Kevin Gutzman – The Folly Of Today’s American Exceptionalism, Pt. I

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Kevin: Again, nowadays one can turn on talk radio, this current show excepted, virtually any day of the week and hear Limbaugh and Levin and so on complaining that the United States isn’t intervening directly in Syria, isn’t sending an army back to Iraq, isn’t doing anything about what happened in Crimea and so on.  Again, Limbaugh often says: President Obama doesn’t want America […]

todayJuly 9, 2014 10


The Scam That is “Conservatism”

Conservatism is NOT Attached to Any  Political Party Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Patrick Henry said, “I only have one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that’s the lamp of experience.”  "What experience do you have with Speaker Boehner and with majority leader Cantor and the rest of the deceptiCons, the people that call themselves conservatives that are a bunch of frauds, what evidence do you have […]

todayFebruary 13, 2014 10


True Conservatives Aren’t Hurting The GOP Because The GOP Doesn’t Represent Them

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What she’s talking about is not conservative or conservatism. She’s talking about Republicanism. There is party mantra. There is party dogma that makes one a Republican. This is why the term RINO, Republican in name only is still so popular, [mocking] “We gotta get rid of them damn RINO Republicans” and why it is a problem. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayOctober 22, 2013 9


Justin Amash Is A Patriot For His Dissent Of War In Syria

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Is it patriotic to dissent? I think it’s patriotic to try to talk your country out of going to war. When you see the photographs of the aftermath of American exceptionalism in Iraq, American exceptionalism in Kosovo, American exceptionalism in Somalia and what have you, when you see the aftermath of this and you see the destruction that is wrought by this, if this […]

todaySeptember 9, 2013 10


We Don’t Need No Stinking Evidence, It’s War Time, Baby!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The United Nations did send a team of chemical weapons inspectors into Damascus and into Ghouta and into the surrounding suburbs where the atrocities allegedly took place that were a result of orders given directly from Bashar al-Assad. I have more on this intelligence here today, ladies and gentlemen. It is becoming apparent, if you actually look beneath the veneer of the fabled news […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 14


The Brits Won’t Authorize Military Force In Syria

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Is there anyone out there listening right now that had the distinct pleasure, and it was a pleasure, of watching the debate yesterday in the House of Commons over David Cameron and the Conservative Party’s bill to authorize military action against the Assad regime in Syria? How many of you got to see or listen to his? There’s an app you can get for […]

todayAugust 31, 2013 7
