
219 Results / Page 25 of 25


Pile Of Prep

NBC Framed Zimmerman With Fake 911 Call

VIDEO: Paul Ryan-the GOP's wunderkid-tells ABC News' Stephanopoulas that Republican mandates on Insurance companies are different than Dumbocrat mandates on individuals The 911 call made by community patrol member George Zimmerman was edited to make Zimmerman sound like what Al Sharpton fantasizes about: a KKK card carrying member on a quest to shoot black folks. This is why I continue telling the audience that the only cure for this is to […]

todayApril 2, 2012 4


Carville: Best Thing For Democrats is for ObamaCare to be Overturned

James Carville thinks the best thing that could happen for the Democratic party is for the Supreme Court to overturn ObamaCare. The thing is? He's right. If they do overturn it then the Democrats will have something to campaign on... How the Republicans stopped everyone from getting their Health Care and what we have to do now to save. And the street goes both ways, if it passes, the Republicans will be able to campaign […]

todayMarch 29, 2012 7

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – The Incandescent Light Bulb Lives!

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private] The Incandescent Light Bulb Lives! 2011 Mike Church Hey folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine. The incandescent lightbulb is back, it is legal and the ban, set to begin on January 1, 2012 has been repealed. That is the news across the wires today but it is only partially true. The Republicans in the house stuffed a provision in the $1 Trillion omnibus spending bill that […]

todayDecember 19, 2011 9
