patrick henry

112 Results / Page 2 of 13



Discussing Dad Duties

Being A Father From A Father Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There’s lots that can be shared and learned between men, us men, leading up to Father’s Day here – not that we shouldn’t do it all year long, but certainly if you’re going to be regaled and honored as a father on Sunday or all weekend long, it might help you young guys out there that are about to […]

todayJuly 1, 2015 8


Founders Television

Patrick Henry Did Much More Than Say “Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death”

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - You're certainly familiar with the phrase "Give me liberty, or give me death" and you probably know that it was spoken by Patrick Henry. But what else do you know about the man? Well on today's Founders TV, on Patrick Henry's birthday, Mike gives us a brief history of the life of Patrick Henry. So be sure and watch and listen to […]

todayJune 25, 2015 8

Founders Television

Henry Knew Best: The Size and Growth of Government Would Make Transparency Impossible

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - During the Constitutional Convention a bunch of guys met in secret to establish a new form of government... which isn't why they were sent there in the first place. They were sent there to amend the Articles of Confederation, instead they came back with a Constitution with Washington's painting all over it. So why all the secrecy? Well, many of the states […]

todayJune 23, 2015 22

Founders Television

Patrick Henry May Not Be Who You Think He Is

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - The painting that you think of when you think of Patrick Henry was painted in 1815... well, Patrick Henry died in 1799. What other popular portraits of Patrick Henry are there? The one where he's arguing against the Stamp Act at the House of Burgesses, but that one wasn't finished until the 1850's. Even though Patrick Henry was a very busy man, […]

todayJune 19, 2015 4


We’re Better Off With A King- Patrick Henry Was Right

The Fraud Of Libertarian Views Of The Constitution Exposed By Patrick Henry Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is the exact opposite of what the fairy tale history books tell us about the cradle and the birth of liberty.  Historian Lance Banning has a book and it’s just blasphemous, “Sacred Fire of Liberty”: This is James Madison summoning forth from the ethereal – the penumbras that we have emanating […]

todayJune 2, 2015 9

Pile Of Prep

Patrick Henry’s Birthday Pile of Prep-Liberty Lost Edition

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition.Today I introduce to you the new name we shall be calling our patriam (homeland) Leshomohedoninica™, the land obsessed with homosexuality and other moral atrocities that denies it is obsessed with the demonic (see the shocking Gallup Poll featured below); plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the […]

todayMay 29, 2015 6

Project '76

Independence: Virginia Defied George III Before The Declaration & Elected Patrick Henry Governor

Mandeville, LA - (Editor's Note: This piece originally appeared on 1 July, 2013) On Saturday, 29 June, 1776 the VA Convention, on the 3rd vote, gave its approbation to the Constitution for the Commonwealth of VA and Independence, days before Congress jointly acted. That same day, newly elected delegates to its first Assembly, voted Patrick Henry as the first governor of VA. Previously, during the debate over VA's soon to […]

todayMay 28, 2015 2

Project '76

Patrick Henry: Without Virtue & Morality The Founding Fathers Design Would Not Last

Editors Note: (This piece appeared originally on 13 January, 2013) This page represents the first of many to come that will feature Project '76 sight & sound content. Project '76 will,  for the 1st time ever, take the written words of the 17th-19th century and present them in concise, entertaining audio & video formats that are portable & downloadable. Now you will be able to experience the great works in written, […]

todayMay 28, 2015 7


America Again Plan To Take Back Congress

America Again Project - Ratify the First Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Item number one, we call it the Bring Congress Home Act, BCHA.  It will follow what we’re going to talk about today, which is the action item we’re starting on April 15th.  I’m announcing it today on your show.  It’s called Ratify the First.  I know you’ll get into this subject because it goes back to Patrick Henry […]

todayApril 5, 2015 16
