
32 Results / Page 4 of 4



Now Boston Has An Idea Of What A War Zone Feels Like

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – It would not be difficult to find any information that you needed to construct a device as men in the military are taught to construct it, as you just described. Before the investigation and the finger pointing begins, “It’s got to be ex-military guy; they would have known how to do this,” you don’t know that. It would be just as easy for someone […]

todayApril 17, 2013 6

Daily Clip

Now Hiring: NYC Soda Police

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Are they going to have soda police in New York? What is the penalty for violating this act of soda tyranny? They ought to have the New York Soda Party. They ought to find out where Bloomberg is going to be sailing his Bloomberg yacht out on the Hudson and dump 10,000 gallons of soda into the harbor, call it the New York Soda […]

todayMarch 11, 2013 14


The Dorner Case – When Is Lethal Force Appropriate?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If we don’t question the authorities when they use lethal force, then human nature tells me they’ll use it more often. To my friend Deputy Shawn out there, of course I admire and respect your work, sir, and did not mean to cast dispersions on the entire San Bernardino County police force, but you must acknowledge and we must all agree that whenever lethal […]

todayFebruary 15, 2013 6

Daily Clip

Have No Fear, The DHS And School Police Are Here

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - My friends, we are in Kafka’s Brazil. There is no reality anymore other than what silly, self-centered, arrogant reality that we make up here now. Now we’re going to marshal up all the forces of our county, as Dwayne points out, or city, state governments to now purchase armored vehicles to stop Adam Lanza. What is the thought process behind this? The fact that […]

todayJanuary 31, 2013 17


Caller Patrick Thinks Obama’s Gun Control Grandstanding Was Brilliant

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The president yesterday, I thought, had a great speech. I was very moved by the families in the audience. I thought the kids on the stage was very brilliant politically to point out that there was 20 kids that were killed and these kids wrote in about that. When you listen to Joe Scarborough, who is a Fox conservative, and then you listen to […]

todayJanuary 18, 2013 8
