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Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Nagin Gets 10 Years For Emulating The Public

Mandeville LA - Americans have come to expect their political leaders to promise them paradise then deliver them into Hades yet when one follows through on this claim their reward is a punishment more severe than most criminal offenders receive, why? To answer this question let’s look at the most recent political pied-piper to deliver fire and brimstone: Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. Nagin was convicted on 20 counts of […]

todayJuly 10, 2014 7


Porn And The Rom-Com Movies, Two Sides of the Same Fake Coin

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Then there is this one from Gracy Olmstead at American Conservative Magazine under the headline “Pornography and Sentimentality: The Ruins of Beauty.”  This is a really good essay.  Ms. Olmstead’s point is, not only does pornography destroy the beauty and the beautiful that is the sex life that God confers upon married people, but equally so do “rom-com movies,” as they’re called, the romantic […]

todayOctober 14, 2013 9


Citizen Church Speaks to Fellow Citizens on Civil Disobedience

MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Exclusive Transcript - One-day after establishment Republicans unveiled their new Pledge to America, ergo Contract with America2.0, it is obvious, the loyal opposition no longer cares to aspire to the brand of smaller government rhetoric promised during the 1990s and most certainly no longer resembles in any fashion, the ideals espoused by former President Ronald Reagan during the Goldwater era.

todayJune 26, 2013 11
